
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Dep where
import Data.GraphViz.Algorithms
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes
import Data.GraphViz.Types
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Graph (mkGraph)
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Canonical
import Data.GraphViz.Commands.IO
import Data.GraphViz.Printing
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Proof
import Module

In this module we’ll make a little utility for visualizing the dependency graph of a list of claims.

data Dep
  = DepInferenceRule RuleName
  | DepDefinition RuleName
  | DepTheorem RuleName [RuleName]
proofDeps :: Proof -> [RuleName]
proofDeps = \case
  Use _ n _ p -> n : concatMap proofDeps p
  Invoke _ n _ p _ -> n : concatMap proofDeps p
  Hyp _ _ _ -> []
  Dis _ _ _ p -> proofDeps p
  ElimEq _ _ _ _ p1 p2 ->
    (RuleName "eq-elim") : concatMap proofDeps [p1,p2]
  IntroEq _ _ -> [RuleName "eq-intro"]
  IntroU _ _ _ _ p ->
    (RuleName "forall-intro") : proofDeps p
  ElimU _ _ _ _ p ->
    (RuleName "forall-elim") : proofDeps p
  IntroE _ _ _ _ p ->
    (RuleName "exists-intro") : proofDeps p
  ElimE _ _ _ _ p1 p2 ->
    (RuleName "exists-elim") : concatMap proofDeps [p1,p2]
  Assume _ _ _ -> []
toDep :: Claim -> Maybe Dep
toDep = \case
  Axiom t n _ -> Just $ case t of
    InferenceRule -> DepInferenceRule n
    Definition -> DepDefinition n
  Theorem n _ p -> Just $
    DepTheorem n $ proofDeps p
  TypeDecl _ _ -> Nothing
getDeps :: [Claim] -> [Dep]
getDeps = catMaybes . map toDep
getAllDeps :: [Module] -> [Dep]
getAllDeps = concatMap (\(Module _ cs) -> getDeps $ map snd cs)
summarizeDeps :: [Dep] -> (Int, Int, Int)
summarizeDeps = foldr (\(a1,b1,c1) (a2,b2,c2) -> (a1+a2,b1+b2,c1+c2)) (0,0,0) . map f
    f = \case
      DepInferenceRule _ -> (1,0,0)
      DepDefinition _ -> (0,1,0)
      DepTheorem _ _ -> (0,0,1)
instance PrintDot RuleName where
  unqtDot (RuleName n) = unqtDot n
  toDot (RuleName n) = toDot n
fromDepToGraph :: Dep -> ([DotNode RuleName], [DotEdge RuleName])
fromDepToGraph = \case
  DepInferenceRule n -> ([DotNode n [color Green]], [])
  DepDefinition n -> ([DotNode n [color Blue]], [])
  DepTheorem n ms -> ([DotNode n [shape BoxShape]], map (\m -> DotEdge m n []) ms)
fromDepsToGraph :: [Dep] -> DotGraph RuleName
fromDepsToGraph ds =
  transitiveReduction $ canonicalise $ uncurry mkGraph $ mconcat $ map fromDepToGraph ds
printDot :: FilePath -> [Dep] -> IO ()
printDot path ds = writeDotFile path (fromDepsToGraph ds)