
We’re now prepared to infer the most general type of a lambda expression.

For instance, the expression \[\lambda\ x\ . x\] accepts a value of any type, and just returns the value. It’s reasonable to say it should have type \[\forall \alpha\ .\ \alpha \rightarrow \alpha.\]

We will implement an algorithm that can automatically determine the type of an expression, or determine that the expression cannot be typed for one of a small number of reasons.

As usual we start with module imports.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Infer where

import Control.Monad
  ( ap, foldM )
import Data.Either
  ( rights, lefts )
import qualified Data.Map as M
  ( Map(..), fromSet, lookup, keys, fromList
  , insert, empty, map, elems, delete, toAscList )
import Data.Proxy
  ( Proxy(..) )
import qualified Data.Set as S
  ( Set(..), empty, fromList, difference
  , unions, singleton, union )
import Test.QuickCheck
  ( Arbitrary(..), Property, Gen, forAll
  , elements, getSize )

import Var
import Expr
import Sub
import Type

Type Environments

Type inference will only make sense in the context of an environment in which some constants and free expression variables have been assigned types.

A type environment is a mapping from expression constants and variables to polytypes. We can think of an environment as a context within which some constants and variables have already been assigned types.

data TypeEnv =
  TypeEnv (M.Map (Either (Con Expr) (Var Expr)) PolyType)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary TypeEnv where
  arbitrary = TypeEnv <$> arbitrary

  shrink (TypeEnv m) = map TypeEnv $ shrink m

A variable is free in a type environment if it is free in some image.

instance FreeTypeVars TypeEnv where
  freeTypeVars (TypeEnv m) =
    S.unions $ map freeTypeVars $ M.elems m

And we can apply a monotype substitution to a type environment “pointwise”.

instance SubMono TypeEnv where
  s $. (TypeEnv m) =
    TypeEnv $ (s $.) m

We can also unify type environments; in practice this is used just for testing.

instance UnifyTypes TypeEnv where
  unifyTypes (TypeEnv m1) (TypeEnv m2) = do
      as1 = M.toAscList m1
      as2 = M.toAscList m2

      unify (x1,t1) (x2,t2) = if x1 == x2
        then unifyTypes t1 t2
        else Left $ IncompatibleSub

      zipL = \case
        (y:ys,z:zs) -> do
          u <- unify y z
          (u:) <$> zipL (ys,zs)
        ([],[]) -> return []
        _ -> Left $ IncompatibleSub

    us <- zipL (as1,as2)
    return $ mconcat us

Inference will start out with an empty type environment and be extended or restricted one definition at a time.

emptyTypeEnv :: TypeEnv
emptyTypeEnv = TypeEnv M.empty

setTypeOfVar :: TypeEnv -> (Var Expr, PolyType) -> TypeEnv
setTypeOfVar (TypeEnv env) (var, polytype) =
  TypeEnv $ M.insert (Right var) polytype env

removeTypeOfVar :: Var Expr -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
removeTypeOfVar x (TypeEnv m) =
  TypeEnv $ M.delete (Right x) m

setTypeOfCon :: TypeEnv -> (Con Expr, PolyType) -> TypeEnv
setTypeOfCon (TypeEnv env) (con, polytype) =
  TypeEnv $ M.insert (Left con) polytype env

We’ll also need to extract the sets of defined variables in a type environment.

typedVarsIn :: TypeEnv -> S.Set (Var Expr)
typedVarsIn (TypeEnv env) = S.fromList $ rights $ M.keys env

The Infer Monad

Inference will happen in a basic monad stack with error and state; error for signaling why an expression fails to typecheck, and state for maintaining a source of fresh type variables.

data Infer a = Infer
  { runInfer
      :: Integer
      -> Either
        (Either UnificationError TypeError)
        (a, Integer)

Type inference can fail for one of three reasons: (1) we encounter a constant or variable that is not assigned a type in the environment, (2) two expressions which should have the same type, don’t, and (3) two types that should unify, don’t.

data TypeError
  = UnknownVariable Loc (Var Expr)
  | UnknownConstant Loc (Con Expr)
  | TypeMismatch Expr MonoType Expr MonoType
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The monad instance for Infer is standard stuff. We could use a monad transformer library for this but I don’t want to.

instance Monad Infer where
  return a = Infer $ \k -> Right (a, k)

  x >>= f = Infer $ \k1 ->
    case runInfer x k1 of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right (a,k2) -> runInfer (f a) k2

instance Applicative Infer where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Functor Infer where
  fmap f x = x >>= (return . f)

We need utilities for throwing errors:

throwT :: TypeError -> Infer a
throwT err = Infer $ \_ -> Left (Right err)

throwU :: UnificationError -> Infer a
throwU err = Infer $ \_ -> Left (Left err)

And utilities for looking up the value of a variable or constant in the type environment.

lookupEnvVar :: Loc -> TypeEnv -> Var Expr -> Infer PolyType
lookupEnvVar loc (TypeEnv m) x = case M.lookup (Right x) m of
  Nothing -> throwT $ UnknownVariable loc x
  Just e  -> return e

lookupEnvCon :: Loc -> TypeEnv -> Con Expr -> Infer PolyType
lookupEnvCon loc (TypeEnv m) c = case M.lookup (Left c) m of
  Nothing -> throwT $ UnknownConstant loc c
  Just e  -> return e

We need a utility for generating a fresh type variable.

freshTypeVar :: Infer MonoType
freshTypeVar = Infer $ \k ->
  Right (TVar Q $ Var $ 'w' : show k, k+1)

Finally, we’ll use a helper for running computations in Infer for convenience.

  :: Infer a
  -> Either (Either UnificationError TypeError) a
execInfer x = case runInfer x 0 of
  Right (a,_) -> Right a
  Left err -> Left err


Almost there! We need two more utility functions on types before we can implement the inference algorithm, which are sort of opposites of each other. Remember that we have two different kinds of types: monotypes and polytypes.

A monotype can be generalized by explicitly quantifying any of its variables that are not free in a given environment.

generalize :: TypeEnv -> MonoType -> PolyType
generalize env tau = ForAll as tau
    as = S.difference (freeTypeVars tau) (freeTypeVars env)

And a polytype can be instantiated by replacing its bound variables with fresh type variable names.

instantiate :: PolyType -> Infer MonoType
instantiate (ForAll as t) = do
  sub <- freshen as
  return (sub $. t)

    freshen :: S.Set (Var MonoType) -> Infer (Sub MonoType)
    freshen xs = do
       m <- sequence $ M.fromSet (const freshTypeVar) xs
       return (Sub m)

Now we can infer the type of an expression. The infer function takes a type environment and an expression, and if it succeeds, returns a monotype and a type substitution to be applied to the environment.

infer :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Infer (Sub MonoType, MonoType)
infer env = \case
  ECon loc c -> do
    tau <- lookupEnvCon loc env c >>= instantiate
    return (mempty, tau)

  EVar loc x -> do
    tau <- lookupEnvVar loc env x >>= instantiate
    return (mempty, tau)

Inferring types for constants and variables is similar; we try to look them up in the type environment and instantiate. In both cases the substitution is empty.

  ELam loc x e -> do
    tau <- freshTypeVar
      sigma = ForAll S.empty tau
      env' = setTypeOfVar env (x, sigma)
    (s, tau') <- infer env' e
    return (s, TArr loc (s $. tau) tau')

To infer the type of a lambda expression, we introduce a fresh type variable for the dummy variable and add it to the type environment. We then infer the type of the subexpression, with the newly typed dummy variable.

  ELet _ x e1 e2 -> do
    (s1, tau) <- infer env e1
      env' = s1 $. env
      sigma = generalize env' tau
      env'' = setTypeOfVar env' (x, sigma)
    (s2, tau') <- infer env'' e2
    return (s2 <> s1, tau')

For a let expression, we first infer the type of the let bound expression in the initial environment. We generalize this type and extend the type environment at the dummy variable.

  EApp loc f x -> do
    (s1, fTau) <- infer env f
    (s2, xTau) <- infer (s1 $. env) x
    fxTau <- freshTypeVar
    case unifyTypes (s2 $. fTau) (TArr loc xTau fxTau) of
      Left err -> throwU err
      Right s3 ->
        return (s3 <> s2 <> s1, s3 $. fxTau)

Given an application expression, we essentially infer the types of each branch and unify.

This is a good time for some test cases.

test_cases_infer :: Bool
test_cases_infer = 
    check e t =
      case execInfer (infer emptyTypeEnv e) of
        Left _ -> False
        Right (_,u) -> (==)
          (generalize emptyTypeEnv t)
          (generalize emptyTypeEnv u)
  in and
    [ check
        (ELam Q (Var "x") (EVar Q (Var "x")))
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "a")) (TVar Q (Var "a")))

    , check
        (ELet Q (Var "x")
          (ELam Q (Var "y") (EVar Q (Var "y")))
          (ELam Q (Var "z")
            (EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "z")) (EVar Q (Var "x")))))
        (TArr Q
          (TArr Q
            (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "a")) (TVar Q (Var "a")))
            (TVar Q (Var "b")))
          (TVar Q (Var "b")))

Naively generating arbitrary test cases for type inference is problematic; to meaningfully test expressions with free variables and constants we need to have an appropriate type environment first. The naive way to generate a type environment ends up giving us lots of malformed and unnatural type environments. A realistic environment will have been built up one step at a time, with each new type definition coming from a typeable expression and being consistent with the ones before.

To get more meaningful test results, we need a specialized test case generator for TypeEnvs; one that builds up an environment one typed expression at a time.

genTypeEnv :: Gen TypeEnv
genTypeEnv = do
  k <- getSize
  genEnv k

    genEnv :: Int -> Gen TypeEnv
    genEnv k =
      if k <= 0
        then return emptyTypeEnv
        else do
          m <- elements [0..(k-1)]
          genEnv m >>= extend

    extend :: TypeEnv -> Gen TypeEnv
    extend env = do
      let x = fresh [ typedVarsIn env ]
      e <- arbitrary
      case execInfer $ infer env e of
        Right (_,t) -> return $
          setTypeOfVar env (x, generalize env t)
        Left _ -> extend env

With this generator in hand, we can define a property test.

test_infer_sub :: Expr -> Property
test_infer_sub e = forAll genTypeEnv (test_infer_sub' e)
  test_infer_sub' :: Expr -> TypeEnv -> Bool
  test_infer_sub' e env = case execInfer $ infer env e of 
    Left _ -> True
    Right (s,t1) -> case execInfer $ infer (s $. env) e of
      Left _ -> False
      Right (_,t2) -> (==)
        (generalize env (s $. t1))
        (generalize env t2)

Type Checking

The main thing we do with type inference is make sure that a given expression can be assigned a type. We’ll call this type checking. This process will take a possibly typeable thing and a type environment, and attempt to construct a new environment within which the possibly typeable thing has a type. We can wrap this in a class.

class (HasExprVars t) => TypeCheck t where
  typeCheck :: t -> TypeEnv -> Infer TypeEnv

In the process of type checking, we will often need to introduce or eliminate variables in type environments.

introTypeVar :: Var Expr -> TypeEnv -> Infer TypeEnv
introTypeVar x env = do
  tau <- freshTypeVar
  return $ setTypeOfVar env (x, ForAll S.empty tau)

  :: (Foldable f) => f (Var Expr) -> TypeEnv -> Infer TypeEnv
introTypeVars xs env = foldM (flip introTypeVar) env xs

elimTypeVar :: Var Expr -> TypeEnv -> Infer TypeEnv
elimTypeVar x env =
 return $ removeTypeOfVar x env

Now Exprs can be type checked. To do this we first introduce a new type variable for each free expression variable and then infer the type of the expression.

instance TypeCheck Expr where
  typeCheck e env = do
    env' <- introTypeVars (freeExprVars e) env
    (s,_) <- infer env' e
    return $ s $. env'

Let’s see some examples. First we need a helper; it will be more useful to check type environments “up to a unification”. _typecheck_and_unify takes care of this.

  :: (TypeCheck t) => t -> TypeEnv -> Bool
_typecheck_and_unify a env =
  let x = execInfer $ typeCheck a emptyTypeEnv in
  case x of
    Right ex -> case unifyTypes ex env of
      Left _ -> False
      Right s -> trivialMonoTypeSub s
    Left _ -> True

And the test cases. First: from \(\lambda x . y x\) we infer that \(y\) has type \(a \rightarrow b\) for some types \(a\) and \(b\).

test_cases_typecheck_expr :: Bool
test_cases_typecheck_expr = and
  [ _typecheck_and_unify

    (ELam Q (Var "x")
      (EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "y")) (EVar Q (Var "x"))))

    (TypeEnv $ M.fromList
      [ (Right (Var "y"), ForAll (S.fromList [])
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "a")) (TVar Q (Var "b"))))

From \(\lambda x . \lambda y . (zx)y\) we infer that \(z\) has type \(a \rightarrow b \rightarrow c\).

  , _typecheck_and_unify

    (ELam Q (Var "x")
      (ELam Q (Var "y")
        (EApp Q
          (EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "z")) (EVar Q (Var "x")))
          (EVar Q (Var "y")))))

    (TypeEnv $ M.fromList
      [ (Right (Var "z"), ForAll (S.fromList [])
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "a"))
          (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "b")) (TVar Q (Var "c")))))

Type checking is important, so we should think about property testing for it. Since TypeCheck is a subclass of HasExprVars, we should think about how typeCheck interacts with the renaming functions.

For instance: the free variables in a type checked thing are assigned types in the environment.

  :: (TypeCheck t) => Proxy t -> t -> Property
test_typecheck_free_vars _ x =
  forAll genTypeEnv (test_typecheck_free_vars' x)
      :: (TypeCheck t) => t -> TypeEnv -> Bool
    test_typecheck_free_vars' x env =
      case execInfer $ typeCheck x env of
        Left _ -> True
        Right (TypeEnv m) ->
          all (\z -> elem (Right z) $ M.keys m) (freeExprVars x)

Another property is that renaming the bound variables in a type checkable thing should not affect the outcome of type checking.

  :: (TypeCheck t) => Proxy t -> t -> S.Set (Var Expr) -> Property
test_typecheck_bound_vars _ x avoid =
  forAll genTypeEnv (test_typecheck_bound_vars' x avoid)
      :: (TypeCheck t) => t -> S.Set (Var Expr) -> TypeEnv -> Bool
    test_typecheck_bound_vars' x avoid env =
        a = execInfer $ typeCheck x env
        b = execInfer $ typeCheck
            (S.unions [avoid, typedVarsIn env, freeExprVars x]) x) env
      in case (a,b) of
        (Right env1, Right env2) -> case unifyTypes env1 env2 of
          Left _ -> False
          Right s -> True
        (Left _, Left _) -> True
        _ -> False

And renaming free variables is reflected in the type check result.

  :: (TypeCheck t) => Proxy t -> t -> Property
test_typecheck_rename_free _ t =
  forAll genTypeEnv (test_typecheck_rename_free' t)
      :: (TypeCheck t) => t -> TypeEnv -> Bool
    test_typecheck_rename_free' t env =
        x = fresh
          [ typedVarsIn env ]
        y = fresh
          [ S.singleton x
          , freeExprVars t
          , typedVarsIn env ]
        a = execInfer $ do
          env' <- typeCheck t env
          lookupEnvVar Q env' x
        b = execInfer $ do
          env' <- typeCheck (renameFreeExpr (x,y) t) env
          lookupEnvVar Q env' y
        case (a,b) of
          (Right e1, Right e2) -> case unifyTypes e1 e2 of
            Left _ -> False
            Right s -> True
          (Left _, Left _) -> True
          _ -> False


We’ve defined a grammar of types and developed a function for inferring the type of a lambda expression.

In the next sections we’ll use lambda expressions as the basis for a grammar of logical statements.