
We’re finally ready to define a more compact syntax for proofs. Woo! We’ll use the parsec library for this.

As usual we start with some imports.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase #-}
module Parser where

import Data.List
  ( unwords, intercalate )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Proxy
  ( Proxy(..) )
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr

import Var
import Sub
import Expr
import Type
import Jud
import Proof
import Module
import Fancy


We’re going to provide two different syntaxes for proofs: the basic tree-formatted style, and the serialized fancy style. The difference between the two is only important when parsing proofs (not expressions). We can wrap both of these behind a class to make testing simpler.

class PrettyBasic t where
  prettyBasic :: t -> String

  prettyBasicWrap :: t -> String
  prettyBasicWrap t =
    let m = prettyBasic t in
    if (elem ' ' m) || (elem '.' m) || (elem '~' m)
      then "(" ++ m ++ ")"
      else m

  parseBasic :: Parser t

The prettyBasicWrap function inserts parentheses where the syntax might otherwise be ambiguous.

class PrettyFancy t where
  prettyFancy :: t -> String

  parseFancy :: Parser t

We also need some parsing helpers. First a utility to get the Location of the current character in the text.

getLoc :: Parser Loc
getLoc = do
  pos <- getPosition
  return $ Loc (sourceName pos) (sourceLine pos) (sourceColumn pos)

instance (PrettyBasic t) => PrettyBasic (Loc, t) where
  prettyBasic (_, t) = prettyBasic t

  parseBasic = do
    loc <- getLoc
    t <- parseBasic
    return (loc, t)

We’ll also be tossing out lots of whitespace. But the spaces parser built into parsec eats newlines, which we want to avoid. spaceChars parses only spaces.

spaceChars :: Parser ()
spaceChars = many (char ' ') >> return ()

spaceOrNewlines :: Parser ()
spaceOrNewlines = many (oneOf " \n") >> return ()

The next two are for wrapping a parser in parentheses or curly braces.

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens p = between (char '(' >> spaceOrNewlines) (char ')' >> spaceChars) p

braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces p = between (char '{' >> spaceOrNewlines) (char '}' >> spaceChars) p

We also want to test our parsers extensively. We can do this by hand with testBasicParser and testFancyParser.

  :: (PrettyBasic t, Eq t)
  => Proxy t -> String -> Either String t -> Bool
testBasicParser _ str expected =
  case runParser parseBasic () "" str of
    Left err -> expected == Left (show err)
    Right x -> expected == Right x

  :: (PrettyFancy t, Eq t)
  => Proxy t -> String -> Either String t -> Bool
testFancyParser _ str expected =
  case runParser parseFancy () "" str of
    Left err -> expected == Left (show err)
    Right x -> expected == Right x

As a property test, we can verify that the pretty/parse round trip is the identity.

  :: (PrettyBasic t, Eq t) => Proxy t -> t -> Bool
test_prettybasic _ t =
  case runParser parseBasic () "" (prettyBasic t) of
    Left err -> error $ show err
    Right u -> t == u

  :: (PrettyFancy t, Eq t) => Proxy t -> t -> Bool
test_prettyfancy _ t =
  case runParser parseFancy () "" (prettyFancy t) of
    Left err -> error $ show err
    Right u -> t == u


Expression variables start with a lowercase latin character, followed by 0 or mor latin characters, followed by 0 or more digits.

instance PrettyBasic (Var Expr) where
  prettyBasic (Var s) = s

  parseBasic = do
    a <- oneOf (_latin_lc ++ "_")
    as <- many $ oneOf _latin
    bs <- many $ oneOf _digit
    return (Var $ a:as ++ bs)

_latin_lc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

_latin = concat
  [ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

_digit = "0123456789"

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_varexpr :: Bool
test_cases_parse_varexpr = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))
      "x" (Right $ Var "x")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))
      "x0" (Right $ Var "x0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))
      "xA0" (Right $ Var "xA0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))
      "xa0" (Right $ Var "xa0")

Expression constants are the same as variables, but start with a backslash.

instance PrettyBasic (Con Expr) where
  prettyBasic (Con s) = '\\' : s

  parseBasic = do
    char '\\'
    a <- oneOf _latin_lc
    as <- many $ oneOf _latin
    bs <- many $ oneOf _digit
    return (Con $ a:as ++ bs)

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_conexpr :: Bool
test_cases_parse_conexpr = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))
      "\\x" (Right $ Con "x")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))
      "\\x0" (Right $ Con "x0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))
      "\\xA0" (Right $ Con "xA0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))
      "\\xa0" (Right $ Con "xa0")

Now for lambda expressions.

instance PrettyBasic Expr where
  prettyBasic = \case
    ECon _ c ->
      prettyBasic c
    EVar _ x ->
      prettyBasic x
    ELam _ x e -> concat
      [ "λ", prettyBasic x, ".", prettyBasicWrap e ]
    ELet _ x f g -> unwords
      [ "'let", prettyBasic x
      , "=", prettyBasicWrap f
      , "'in", prettyBasicWrap g
    EApp _ e f ->
      prettyBasicWrap e ++ " " ++ prettyBasicWrap f

  parseBasic =
    chainl1 parseForm (do { loc <- getLoc; return (EApp loc) })
      parseForm =
        parseLam <|> parseLet <|> parseCon
          <|> parseVar <|> fenced parseBasic

      parseLam = do
        loc <- try $ getLoc <* (char 'λ' >> spaceChars)
        x <- parseBasic
        spaceChars >> char '.' >> spaceChars
        e <- parseBasic
        return $ ELam loc x e

      parseLet = do
        loc <- try $ getLoc <* (string "'let" >> spaceChars)
        x <- parseBasic
        char '=' >> spaceChars
        e1 <- parseBasic
        string "'in" >> spaceChars
        e2 <- parseBasic
        return $ ELet loc x e1 e2

      parseCon = do
        loc <- getLoc
        c <- try parseBasic
        return (ECon loc c)

      parseVar = do
        loc <- getLoc
        x <- try parseBasic
        return (EVar loc x)

      fenced p = parens p <|> braces p

Application is left associative, so that \(x y z\) parses as \((xy)z\).

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_expr :: Bool
test_cases_parse_expr = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      (Right $ EVar Q (Var "x"))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      "x y"
      (Right $ EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "x")) (EVar Q (Var "y")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      "x y z"
      (Right $ EApp Q
        (EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "x")) (EVar Q (Var "y")))
        (EVar Q (Var "z")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      "x (y z)"
      (Right $ EApp Q
        (EVar Q (Var "x"))
        (EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "y")) (EVar Q (Var "z"))))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      (Right $ ELam Q (Var "x") (EVar Q (Var "x")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)
      "'let x = \\c 'in x"
      (Right $ ELet Q (Var "x") (ECon Q (Con "c")) (EVar Q (Var "x")))


Type variables look like expression variables.

instance PrettyBasic (Var MonoType) where
  prettyBasic (Var s) = s

  parseBasic = do
    a <- oneOf _latin_lc
    as <- many $ oneOf _latin
    bs <- many $ oneOf _digit
    return (Var $ a:as ++ bs)

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_varmonotype :: Bool
test_cases_parse_varmonotype = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))
      "x" (Right $ Var "x")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))
      "x0" (Right $ Var "x0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))
      "xA0" (Right $ Var "xA0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))
      "xa0" (Right $ Var "xa0")

Type constants are like type variables, but must start with an upper case latin character.

instance PrettyBasic (Con MonoType) where
  prettyBasic (Con s) = s

  parseBasic = do
    a <- oneOf _latin_uc
    as <- many $ oneOf _latin
    bs <- many $ oneOf _digit
    return (Con $ a:as ++ bs)


Test cases:

test_cases_parse_conmonotype :: Bool
test_cases_parse_conmonotype = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))
      "X" (Right $ Con "X")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))
      "X0" (Right $ Con "X0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))
      "XA0" (Right $ Con "XA0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))
      "Xa0" (Right $ Con "Xa0")

Now for the grammar of monotypes.

instance PrettyBasic MonoType where
  prettyBasic = \case
    TCon _ c -> prettyBasic c
    TVar _ x -> prettyBasic x
    TArr _ a b -> unwords
      [ prettyBasicWrap a
      , "->"
      , prettyBasic b
    TSt1 _ c a -> unwords
      [ prettyBasic c
      , prettyBasicWrap a
    TSt2 _ c a b -> unwords
      [ prettyBasic c
      , prettyBasicWrap a
      , prettyBasicWrap b

  parseBasic = chainr1 (parseF <|> parseForm) parseArr
      parseForm = parseCon <|> parseVar <|> parens parseBasic

      parseF = do
        loc <- getLoc
        c <- try parseBasic
        option (TCon loc c) $ do
          x <- parseForm
          option (TSt1 loc c x) $ do
            y <- parseForm
            return $ TSt2 loc c x y

      parseArr = do
        loc <- getLoc
        string "->"
        return (TArr loc)

      parseCon = do
        loc <- getLoc
        c <- try parseBasic
        return (TCon loc c)

      parseVar = do
        loc <- getLoc
        x <- try parseBasic
        return (TVar loc x)

Note that the arrow type is right associative, so that \(a \rightarrow b \rightarrow c\) parses as \(a \rightarrow (b \rightarrow c)\).

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_monotype :: Bool
test_cases_parse_monotype = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      (Right $ TVar Q (Var "x"))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      "x -> y"
      (Right $ TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "x")) (TVar Q (Var "y")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      "x -> y -> z"
      (Right $ TArr Q
        (TVar Q (Var "x"))
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "y")) (TVar Q (Var "z"))))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      "(x -> y) -> z"
      (Right $ TArr Q
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "x")) (TVar Q (Var "y")))
        (TVar Q (Var "z")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      (Right $ TCon Q (Con "C"))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      "C x"
      (Right $ TSt1 Q (Con "C") (TVar Q (Var "x")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)
      "C x y"
      (Right $ TSt2 Q (Con "C") (TVar Q (Var "x")) (TVar Q (Var "y")))

And polytypes.

instance PrettyBasic PolyType where
  prettyBasic (ForAll as tau) = unwords
    [ "∀"
    , vars
    , "."
    , prettyBasic tau
      vars = if S.null as
        then "∅"
        else unwords . map prettyBasic . S.toList $ as

  parseBasic = do
    char '∀'
    as <- parseNoVars <|> parseVars
    char '.' >> spaceChars
    tau <- parseBasic
    return $ ForAll as tau
      parseNoVars = do
        try (char '∅' >> spaceChars)
        return $ S.empty

      parseVars = do
        as <- sepBy1 parseBasic spaceChars
        return $ S.fromList as

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_polytype :: Bool
test_cases_parse_polytype = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)
      "∀x. x"
      (Right $ ForAll
        (S.fromList [Var "x"])
        (TVar Q (Var "x")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)
      "∀x y. x -> y"
      (Right $ ForAll
        (S.fromList [Var "x", Var "y"])
        (TArr Q (TVar Q (Var "x")) (TVar Q (Var "y"))))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)
      "∀∅. x"
      (Right $ ForAll
        (S.fromList [])
        (TVar Q (Var "x")))


Substitutions will be notated with :->, separated by semicolons and wrapped in square brackets.

instance PrettyBasic (Sub Expr) where
  prettyBasic (Sub m) =
    "[" ++ (intercalate "; " $ map f $ M.toList m) ++ "]"
      f (x,e) = prettyBasic x ++ " :-> " ++ prettyBasic e

  parseBasic = do
    try (char '[' >> spaceChars)
    as <- sepBy parseSub (char ';' >> spaceChars)
    char ']' >> spaceChars
    return $ Sub $ M.fromList as
      parseSub = do
        x <- parseBasic
        string ":->" >> spaceChars
        e <- parseBasic
        return (x,e)

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_subexpr :: Bool
test_cases_parse_subexpr = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))
      "[x :-> e]"
      (Right $ Sub $ M.fromList
        [ (Var "x", EVar Q (Var "e"))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))
      "[x :-> e; y :-> f g]"
      (Right $ Sub $ M.fromList
        [ (Var "x", EVar Q (Var "e"))
        , (Var "y", EApp Q (EVar Q (Var "f")) (EVar Q (Var "g")))

  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))
      (Right $ Sub $ M.fromList [])
instance PrettyBasic (Sub Jud) where
  prettyBasic (Sub m) =
    "[" ++ (intercalate "; " $ map f $ M.toList m) ++ "]"
      f (x,e) = prettyBasic x ++ " :-> " ++ prettyBasic e

  parseBasic = do
    try (char '[' >> spaceChars)
    as <- sepBy parseSub (char ';' >> spaceChars)
    char ']' >> spaceChars
    return $ Sub $ M.fromList as
      parseSub = do
        x <- parseBasic
        string ":->" >> spaceChars
        e <- parseBasic
        return (x,e)


Judgement variables start with an upper case character so they can be easily distinguished from expression variables.

instance PrettyBasic (Var Jud) where
  prettyBasic (Var s) = s

  parseBasic = do
    a <- oneOf _latin_uc
    as <- many $ oneOf _latin
    bs <- many $ oneOf _digit
    return (Var $ a:as ++ bs)

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_varjud :: Bool
test_cases_parse_varjud = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))
      "X" (Right $ Var "X")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))
      "X0" (Right $ Var "X0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))
      "XA0" (Right $ Var "XA0")
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))
      "Xa0" (Right $ Var "Xa0")

The judgement grammar uses infix notation; we use parsec’s built in buildExpressionParser for this.

instance PrettyBasic Jud where
  prettyBasic = \case
    JVar _ x s -> if s == emptySub
      then prettyBasic x
      else prettyBasic x ++ prettyBasic s
    JNeg _ p -> '~' : prettyBasicWrap p
    JConj _ p q -> concat
      [ prettyBasicWrap p, " /\\ ", prettyBasicWrap q ]
    JDisj _ p q -> concat
      [ prettyBasicWrap p, " \\/ ", prettyBasicWrap q ]
    JImpl _ p q -> concat
      [ prettyBasicWrap p, " => ", prettyBasicWrap q ]
    JEqui _ p q -> concat
      [ prettyBasicWrap p, " <=> ", prettyBasicWrap q ]
    JEq _ e f -> concat
      [ prettyBasic e, " == ", prettyBasic f ]
    JIs _ e m -> concat
      [ "<" ++ intercalate "," (map prettyBasicWrap e), "> 'is ", "\"", m, "\"" ]
    JAll _ x p -> concat
      [ "∀", prettyBasic x, ".", prettyBasicWrap p ]
    JSome _ x p -> concat
      [ "∃", prettyBasic x, ".", prettyBasicWrap p ]

  parseBasic = buildExpressionParser ops terms
      ops =
        [ [ Prefix $ do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; string "~" >> spaceChars >> return (JNeg loc)
            } ]

        , [ Infix (do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; string "/\\" >> spaceOrNewlines >> return (JConj loc)
            }) AssocNone ]

        , [ Infix (do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; string "\\/" >> spaceOrNewlines >> return (JDisj loc)
            }) AssocNone ]

        , [ Infix (do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; string "=>" >> spaceOrNewlines >> return (JImpl loc)
            }) AssocNone ]

        , [ Infix (do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; string "<=>" >> spaceOrNewlines >> return (JEqui loc)
            }) AssocNone ]

        , [ Prefix $ do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; char '∀'; spaceChars
            ; x <- parseBasic
            ; char '.' >> spaceChars; return (JAll loc x)
            } ]

        , [ Prefix $ do
            { loc <- getLoc
            ; char '∃'; spaceChars
            ; x <- parseBasic
            ; char '.' >> spaceChars; return (JSome loc x)
            } ]

      terms = parseVar <|> parseIs <|> parseEq <|> parens parseBasic
          parseVar = do
            loc <- getLoc
            x <- try parseBasic
            t <- option emptySub parseBasic
            return (JVar loc x t)

          parseEq = do
            (e,loc) <- try $ do
              e' <- parseBasic
              loc' <- getLoc
              string "==" >> spaces
              return (e',loc')
            f <- parseBasic
            return (JEq loc e f)

          parseIs = do
            (e,loc) <- try $ do
              char '<' >> spaceChars
              es' <- sepBy parseBasic (char ',' >> spaceChars)
              char '>' >> spaceChars
              loc' <- getLoc
              string "'is" >> spaceChars
              return (es',loc')
            char '"'
            m <- many1 $ oneOf _is_chars
            char '"' >> spaceChars
            return (JIs loc e m)

Test cases:

test_cases_parse_jud :: Bool
test_cases_parse_jud = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)
      "P" (Right $ JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub)
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)
      "P /\\ Q" (Right $ JConj Q (JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub) (JVar Q (Var "Q") emptySub))
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)
      "P \\/ Q" (Right $ JDisj Q (JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub) (JVar Q (Var "Q") emptySub))
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)
      "P => Q" (Right $ JImpl Q (JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub) (JVar Q (Var "Q") emptySub))
  , testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)
      "x == y" (Right $ JEq Q (EVar Q (Var "x")) (EVar Q (Var "y")))


instance PrettyBasic HypName where
  prettyBasic (HypName m) = m

  parseBasic = do
    n <-  many1 $ oneOf _hypname_chars
    return $ HypName n

instance PrettyBasic RuleName where
  prettyBasic (RuleName m) = m

  parseBasic = do
    n <- many1 $ oneOf _rulename_chars
    return $ RuleName n


We’ll accept rules in either basic or fancy style. In basic style, the hypotheses and conclusion are written as an upside-down and indented tree:

* conclusion
  * hypothesis 1
  * hypothesis 2

In fancy style, the hypotheses come first, and we write out an explicit “if-then”:

  * hypothesis 1
  * hypothesis 2
  * conclusion

Fancy style is a little more verbose, but easier to read (I think). In both cases indentation is hardcoded at two spaces because that’s what I prefer.

First basic style.

instance PrettyBasic Rule where
  prettyBasic (Rule q ps) = concat
    [ "* ", prettyBasic q, "\n" ]
      ++ (concatMap (\p -> concat ["  * ", prettyBasic p, "\n"]) ps)

  parseBasic = do
    try (char '*' >> spaceChars)
    q <- parseBasic
    ps <- many $ try $ do
      string "  *" >> spaceChars
      p <- parseBasic
      return p
    return (Rule q ps)

Test case:

test_cases_parse_rule_basic :: Bool
test_cases_parse_rule_basic = and
  [ testBasicParser (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)
        [ "* P"
        , "  * Q"
      (Right $ Rule (JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub) [JVar Q (Var "Q") emptySub])

And fancy style:

instance PrettyFancy Rule where
  prettyFancy (Rule q ps) =
      ++ (concatMap (\p -> concat ["  * ", prettyBasic p, "\n"]) ps)
      ++ (concat [ "then\n  * ", prettyBasic q, "\n" ])

  parseFancy = do
    try (string "if" >> newline)
    ps <- many $ try $ do
      string "  *" >> spaceChars
      p <- parseBasic
      return p
    string "then" >> newline
    string "  *" >> spaceChars
    p <- parseBasic
    return (Rule p ps)

Test case:

test_cases_parse_rule_fancy :: Bool
test_cases_parse_rule_fancy = and
  [ testFancyParser (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)
        [ "if"
        , "  * Q"
        , "then"
        , "  * P"
      (Right $ Rule (JVar Q (Var "P") emptySub) [JVar Q (Var "Q") emptySub])


Proofs can also be written in either basic or fancy style.

proofKeyword :: Parser String
proofKeyword =
  try (string "assumption") <|>
  try (string "hypothesis") <|>
  try (string "discharge") <|>
  try (string "eq-elim") <|>
  try (string "eq-intro") <|>
  try (string "forall-intro") <|>
  try (string "forall-elim") <|>
  try (string "exists-intro") <|>
  try (string "exists-elim") <|>
  try (string "invoke") <|>
  (string "use")

Basic style:

instance PrettyBasic Proof where
  prettyBasic = pretty 0
      ind i = replicate (2*i) ' '

      pretty i = \case
        Assume _ k p -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic p, " : assumption "
          , show k, "\n" ]
        Hyp _ name p -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic p, " : hypothesis "
          , prettyBasic name, "\n" ]
        Dis _ name w pf -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : discharge "
          , prettyBasic name, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pf
        ElimEq _ w x q pe pf -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : eq-elim "
          , prettyBasic x, " ", prettyBasic q, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pe ++ pretty (i+1) pf
        IntroEq _ q -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic q, " : eq-intro\n" ]
        IntroU _ w x y pf -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : forall-intro "
          , prettyBasic x, " -> ", prettyBasic y, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pf
        ElimU _ w x e pf -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : forall-elim "
          , prettyBasic x, " -> ", prettyBasic e, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pf
        IntroE _ w x e pf -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : exists-intro "
          , prettyBasic x, " <- ", prettyBasic e, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pf
        ElimE _ w u x pe pi -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic w, " : exists-elim "
          , prettyBasic x, " <- ", prettyBasic u, "\n" ]
            ++ pretty (i+1) pe ++ pretty (i+1) pi
        Use _ name q pfs -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic q, " : use "
          , prettyBasic name, "\n" ]
            ++ (concatMap (pretty (i+1)) pfs)
        Invoke _ name q pfs t -> concat
          [ ind i, "* ", prettyBasic q, " : invoke "
          , prettyBasic name, " ", prettyBasic t, "\n" ]
            ++ (concatMap (pretty (i+1)) pfs)

  parseBasic = p 0
      p i = do
        count (2*i) (char ' ')
        char '*' >> spaceChars
        q <- parseBasic
        char ':' >> spaceChars
        loc <- getLoc
        just <- proofKeyword
        case just of
          "assumption" -> do
            k <- read <$> many1 digit
            return (Assume loc k q)

          "hypothesis" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            return (Hyp loc n q)

          "discharge" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            pf <- p (i+1)
            return (Dis loc n q pf)

          "eq-intro" -> do
            return (IntroEq loc q)

          "eq-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            w <- parseBasic
            pe <- p (i+1)
            pf <- p (i+1)
            return (ElimEq loc q x w pe pf)

          "forall-intro" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "->" >> spaceChars
            y <- parseBasic
            pf <- p (i+1)
            return (IntroU loc q x y pf)

          "forall-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "->" >> spaceChars
            e <- parseBasic
            pf <- p (i+1)
            return (ElimU loc q x e pf)

          "exists-intro" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "<-" >> spaceChars
            e <- parseBasic
            pf <- p (i+1)
            return (IntroE loc q x e pf)

          "exists-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "<-" >> spaceChars
            u <- parseBasic
            pe <- p (i+1)
            pi <- p (i+1)
            return (ElimE loc q u x pe pi)

          "use" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            pfs <- many $ try $ p (i+1)
            return (Use loc n q pfs)

          "invoke" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            t <- parseBasic
            pfs <- many $ try $ p (i+1)
            return (Invoke loc n q pfs t)

          x -> unexpected x

Parsing fancy proof lines:

instance PrettyBasic FancyProofLine where
  prettyBasic = \case
    FancyHyp _ name q -> concat
      [ prettyBasic q, " : hypothesis "
      , prettyBasic name, "\n" ]
    FancyDis _ name q u -> concat
      [ prettyBasic q, " : discharge "
      , prettyBasic name, "; ", show u, "\n" ]
    FancyAssume _ i q -> concat
      [ prettyBasic q, " : assumption "
      , show i, "\n" ]
    FancyIntroEq _ w -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : eq-intro\n" ]
    FancyElimEq _ w x q u v -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : eq-elim "
      , prettyBasic x, " ", prettyBasic q, "; "
      , show u, ", ", show v, "\n" ]
    FancyIntroU _ w x y u -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : forall-intro "
      , prettyBasic x, " -> ", prettyBasic y, "; "
      , show u, "\n" ]
    FancyElimU _ w x e u -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : forall-elim "
      , prettyBasic x, " -> ", prettyBasic e, "; "
      , show u, "\n" ]
    FancyIntroE _ w x e u -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : exists-intro "
      , prettyBasic x, " <- ", prettyBasic e, "; "
      , show u, "\n" ]
    FancyElimE _ w x q u v -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : exists-elim "
      , prettyBasic x, " <- ", prettyBasic q, "; "
      , show u, ", ", show v, "\n" ]
    FancyUse _ name w us -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : use "
      , prettyBasic name, "; "
      , intercalate ", " $ map show us, "\n" ]
    FancyInvoke _ name w us t -> concat
      [ prettyBasic w, " : invoke "
      , prettyBasic name, " ", prettyBasic t, "; "
      , intercalate ", " $ map show us, "\n" ]

  parseBasic = parseLine <|> parseChain
      parseLine :: Parser FancyProofLine
      parseLine = do
        w <- try parseBasic
        spaceOrNewlines >> char ':' >> spaceChars
        loc <- getLoc
        just <- proofKeyword
        case just of
          "assumption" -> do
            i <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyAssume loc i w

          "hypothesis" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            return $ FancyHyp loc n w

          "discharge" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyDis loc n w u

          "eq-intro" -> do
            return $ FancyIntroEq loc w

          "eq-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            e <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            spaceChars >> char ',' >> spaceChars
            v <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyElimEq loc w x e u v

          "forall-intro" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "->" >> spaceChars
            y <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyIntroU loc w x y u

          "forall-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "->" >> spaceChars
            e <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyElimU loc w x e u

          "exists-intro" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "<-" >> spaceChars
            e <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyIntroE loc w x e u

          "exists-elim" -> do
            x <- parseBasic
            string "<-" >> spaceChars
            e <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            u <- read <$> many1 digit
            spaceChars >> char ',' >> spaceChars
            v <- read <$> many1 digit
            return $ FancyElimE loc w x e u v

          "use" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            char ';' >> spaceChars
            us <- (map read) <$> (sepBy (many1 digit) (char ',' >> spaceChars))
            return $ FancyUse loc n w us

          "invoke" -> do
            n <- parseBasic
            t <- parseBasic
            spaceChars >> char ';' >> spaceChars
            us <- (map read) <$> (sepBy (many1 digit) (char ',' >> spaceChars))
            return $ FancyInvoke loc n w us t

          x -> unexpected x

      parseChain :: Parser FancyProofLine
      parseChain = do
        e <- try parseBasic
        spaceOrNewlines >> char ':' >> spaceChars
        loc <- getLoc
        string "chain" >> spaceChars
        ms <- many1 $ do
          try (spaceOrNewlines >> string "==" >> spaceChars)
          e2 <- parseBasic
          spaceOrNewlines >> char ':' >> spaceChars
          flop <- option False (string "flop" >> spaceChars >> return True)
          just <- parseChainJust
          case just of
            "hypothesis" -> do
              n <- parseBasic
              h <- parseAtIn
              return (e2, h, flop, ChainHyp loc n)

            "assumption" -> do
              i <- read <$> many1 digit
              h <- parseAtIn
              return (e2, h, flop, ChainAssume loc i)

            "use" -> do
              n <- parseBasic
              char ';' >> spaceChars
              us <- (map read) <$> (sepBy (many1 digit) (char ',' >> spaceChars))
              h <- parseAtIn
              return (e2, h, flop, ChainUse loc n us)

        return $ FancyChain loc e ms

      parseAtIn :: Parser (Maybe (Var Expr, Expr))
      parseAtIn = option Nothing $ do
        try (string "at" >> spaceChars)
        w <- parseBasic
        string "in" >> spaceOrNewlines
        f <- parseBasic
        return $ Just (w,f)

      parseChainJust :: Parser String
      parseChainJust =
        try (string "use") <|>
        try (string "hypothesis") <|>
        string "assumption"

Parsing fancy proofs:

instance PrettyBasic FancyProof where
  prettyBasic (FancyProof m) =
    concatMap p $ M.assocs m
      p (k,l) = concat
        [ show k, ". ", prettyBasic l ]

  parseBasic = do
    fancy <- many1 parseLine
    return $ FancyProof $ M.fromList fancy
      parseLine = do
        k <- try (spaceOrNewlines >> (read <$> many1 digit))
        spaceChars >> char '.' >> spaceChars
        l <- parseBasic
        return (k,l)

And finally, parsing proofs in fancy style.

instance PrettyFancy Proof where
  prettyFancy p = prettyBasic (head $ serialize p)

  parseFancy = do
    fancy <- parseBasic
    case deserialize fancy of
      Left err -> fail $ show err
      Right p -> return p

Note that the fancy style proof parser includes an extra validation step that may fail.


Claims come in three flavors: type declarations, rules, and theorems. The syntax is roughly


rule NAME

theorem NAME
claimKeyword :: Parser String
claimKeyword =
  try (string "rule") <|>
  try (string "definition") <|>
  try (string "theorem") <|>
  string "type"

instance PrettyBasic Claim where
  prettyBasic = \case
    Axiom t n ax -> concat
      [ l, " ", prettyBasic n, "\n"
      , prettyBasic ax, "\n"
        l = case t of
          InferenceRule -> "rule"
          Definition -> "definition"
    Theorem n t pf -> concat
      [ "theorem ", prettyBasic n, "\n"
      , prettyBasic t, "\n"
      , "proof\n", prettyBasic pf, "\n"
    TypeDecl c t -> concat
      [ "type ", prettyBasic c, " :: ", prettyBasic t, "\n" ]

  parseBasic = do
    m <- claimKeyword
    case m of
      "rule" -> do
        n <- parseBasic
        many1 newline
        ax <- parseBasic <|> parseFancy
        many newline
        return (Axiom InferenceRule n ax)

      "definition" -> do
        n <- parseBasic
        many1 newline
        ax <- parseBasic <|> parseFancy
        many newline
        return (Axiom Definition n ax)

      "theorem" -> do
        n <- parseBasic
        many1 newline
        r <- parseBasic <|> parseFancy
        many newline
        string "proof" >> spaceChars
        many1 newline
        p <- parseBasic <|> parseFancy
        many newline
        return (Theorem n r p)

      "type" -> do
        c <- parseBasic
        string "::" >> spaceChars
        t <- parseBasic
        many newline
        return (TypeDecl c t)

      m -> unexpected m


A module is just a list of claims.

instance PrettyBasic ModuleName where
  prettyBasic (ModuleName n) = n

  parseBasic = do
    n <- many1 $ oneOf _modulename_chars
    return (ModuleName n)

instance PrettyBasic Module where
  prettyBasic (Module n m) = concat
    [ concatMap prettyBasic m ]

  parseBasic = do
    name <- sourceName <$> getPosition
    m <- many parseBasic
    return (Module (ModuleName name) m)


prettyError :: VerifyError -> String
prettyError = \case
  HypAlreadyDefined n q -> unlines
    [ "Hypothesis '" ++ (prettyBasic n) ++ "' already defined."
    , prettyBasic q ]
  HypNotFound n -> unlines
    [ "Hypothesis '" ++ (prettyBasic n) ++ "' not found." ]
  HypNotDischarged ns -> unlines $
    [ "The following hypotheses were not discharged:" ]
      ++ map (\n -> "  * " ++ prettyBasic n) ns
  RuleDoesNotMatch loc n r qs -> unlines $
    [ "At " ++ show loc
    , "Rule '" ++ (prettyBasic n) ++ "' does not match."
    , prettyBasic r ]
      ++ map prettyBasic qs
  InvokeDoesNotMatch loc n r s qs -> unlines $
    [ "At " ++ show loc
    , "Rule '" ++ (prettyBasic n) ++ "' does not match."
    , prettyBasic r, prettyBasic s ]
      ++ map prettyBasic qs
  ProofDoesNotMatch r q qs -> unlines $
    [ "Proof does not match."
    , prettyBasic r
    , prettyBasic q ]
      ++ map (\q -> "  * " ++ prettyBasic q) qs
  AllVarMismatch loc x y j pf -> unlines
    [ "ForAll elimination: bound variable mismatch."
    , prettyBasic x ++ " does not match " ++ prettyBasic y
    , prettyBasic j
    , prettyBasic pf
  MalformedDischarge loc w v -> unlines
    [ "Malformed discharge:"
    , prettyBasic w
    , prettyBasic v
  TypeUnificationError loc err -> case err of
    CannotUnify t1 t2 -> unlines
      [ "At " <> show loc
      , "Cannot unify types:"
      , "* " <> prettyBasic t1
      , "* " <> prettyBasic t2
    e -> unlines [ "TypeUnificationError", show e ]
  err -> show err