
This module collects the tests for our proof checker in one place; to run the entire suite use stack test.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where

import Data.Proxy
  ( Proxy(..) )
import System.Exit
  ( exitFailure )
import Test.QuickCheck
  ( Arbitrary(..), quickCheckResult, quickCheckWithResult
  , maxSize, maxSuccess, Args, stdArgs, Testable )
import Test.QuickCheck.Test
  ( isSuccess )

import Var
import Sub
import Expr
import Type
import Infer
import Jud
import Proof
import Module
import Fancy
import Parser
main :: IO ()
main = do
  let args1 = stdArgs { maxSuccess = 500, maxSize = 30 }
  let args2 = stdArgs { maxSuccess = 200, maxSize = 20 }
  let args3 = stdArgs { maxSuccess = 100, maxSize = 10 }

  test_Sub args1
  test_Expr args3
  test_Type args2
  test_Infer args2
  test_Jud args2
  test_Proof args2
  test_Module args3
  test_Fancy args3
  test_Parser args3

test :: (Testable prop) => prop -> IO ()
test prop = do
  result <- quickCheckResult prop
  case isSuccess result of
    True -> return ()
    False -> exitFailure

testWith :: (Testable prop) => Args -> prop -> IO ()
testWith args prop = do
  result <- quickCheckWithResult args prop
  case isSuccess result of
    True -> return ()
    False -> exitFailure


We bundle together substitution tests parameterized on a Proxy type for easy reuse.

  :: (Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t, Arbitrary (Var t), Arbitrary (Sub t))
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_Sub_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> Sub properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Support of an empty substitution"
  test $
    test_support_empty_sub p

  putStrLn "====> Support of a singleton substitution"
  testWith args $
    test_support_singleton p

  putStrLn "====> Apply the empty substitution"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_lookup_empty p

  putStrLn "====> Apply a singleton substitution"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_lookup_singleton p

  putStrLn "====> Identity property for unionSub"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Idempotent property for unionSub"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_idempotent p

  putStrLn "====> Commutative property for unionSub"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_commutative p

  putStrLn "====> Associative property for unionSub"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_associative p

  putStrLn "====> unionSub on singletons"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_nothing p

  putStrLn "====> Support of a union"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_union_support p

  putStrLn "====> Identity property for extension"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_extend_empty p

  putStrLn "====> Idempotent property for extension"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_extend_idempotent p

  putStrLn "====> Left zero property for extension on singletons"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_extend_singleton p

  putStrLn "====> Associative property for extension"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_extend_associative p

  putStrLn "====> Support of an extension"
  testWith args $
    test_sub_extend_support p

  putStrLn "====> Identity property for undefine"
  testWith args $
    test_undefine_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Action property for undefine"
  testWith args $
    test_undefine_action p

  putStrLn "====> undefine on singletons"
  testWith args $
    test_undefine_singleton p

Now for tests of the whole module.

test_Sub :: Args -> IO ()
test_Sub args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Sub"

  _Sub_properties args "Int"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Int)


We bundle the properties of renaming expression variables for easy reuse.

  :: (HasExprVars t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_HasExprVars_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> HasExprVars properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Rename: free property"
  testWith args $ test_exprvars_rename_free p

  putStrLn "====> Rename: transposition property"
  testWith args $ test_exprvars_rename_trans p

  putStrLn "====> Rename: bound property"
  testWith args $ test_exprvars_rename_bound p

  putStrLn "====> Rename: bound equality"
  testWith args $ test_exprvars_rename_eq p

We bundle the properties of Eq for easy reuse.

  :: (Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_Eq_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> Eq properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Expr equality is reflexive"
  testWith args $ test_eq_reflexive p

  putStrLn "====> Expr equality is symmetric"
  testWith args $ test_eq_symmetric p

  putStrLn "====> Expr equality is transitive"
  testWith args $ test_eq_transitive p

And we bundle the properties of Monoid for reuse.

  :: (Monoid t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_Monoid_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> Monoid properties: " ++ name
  putStrLn "====> Monoid: Identity law"
  testWith args $ test_monoid_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Monoid: Associativity law"
  testWith args $ test_monoid_associative p

And for the monoid action properties of SubExpr.

  :: (SubExpr t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_SubExpr_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> SubExpr properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Identity law for Sub Expr action"
  testWith args $
    test_subexpr_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Associativity law for Sub Expr action"
  testWith args $
    test_subexpr_action p

Now for tests of the module.

test_Expr :: Args -> IO ()
test_Expr args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Expr"

  putStrLn "====> Freshness property for constants"
  testWith args $
    test_fresh_not_member (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Freshness property for variables"
  testWith args $
    test_fresh_not_member (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Expr: free variables test cases"
  test test_cases_freeExprVars

  putStrLn "====> Expr: equality test cases"
  test test_cases_expr_eq

  _Eq_properties args "Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)

  _Sub_properties args "Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Sub Expr"
   (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Expr substitution test cases"
  test test_cases_sub_expr

  _Monoid_properties args "Sub Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))

  _SubExpr_properties args "Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)

  _SubExpr_properties args "Sub Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr test cases"
  test test_cases_expr_match

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr substitution property"
  testWith args test_expr_match_sub

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr transitive property"
  testWith args test_expr_match_transitive

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr match self"
  testWith args test_expr_match_self

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr match rename"
  testWith args test_expr_match_rename
  putStrLn "====> Matching: Expr with explicit substitution"
  testWith args test_expr_sub_match


We bundle the properties of SubMono for reuse.

  :: (SubMono t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_SubMono_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> SubMono properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Identity law for SubMono action"
  testWith args $ test_submono_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Associativity law for SubMono action"
  testWith args $ test_submono_action p

And properties of UnifyTypes:

  :: (UnifyTypes t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_UnifyTypes_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> UnifyTypes properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Substitution property for unify"
  testWith args $ test_unify_eq p

  putStrLn "====> Self property for unify"
  testWith args $ test_unify_self_empty p

  putStrLn "====> Commutative property for unify"
  testWith args $ test_unify_symmetric p

  putStrLn "====> Closure property for unify"
  testWith args $ test_unify_down_closed p

Now for the module tests.

test_Type :: Args -> IO ()
test_Type args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Type"

  putStrLn "====> Freshness property for constants"
  testWith args $
    test_fresh_not_member (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))

  putStrLn "====> Freshness property for variables"
  testWith args $
    test_fresh_not_member (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))

  _Sub_properties args "MonoType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)

  _Monoid_properties args "Sub MonoType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub MonoType))

  _SubMono_properties args "MonoType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)

  _SubMono_properties args "Sub MonoType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub MonoType))

  _UnifyTypes_properties args "MonoType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: polytype equality"
  test test_cases_polytype_eq

  _Eq_properties args "PolyType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)

  putStrLn "====> PolyType equality rename property"
  testWith args test_polytype_eq_renames

  _SubMono_properties args "PolyType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)

  putStrLn "====> PolyType: unification test cases"
  test test_cases_unify_polytype

  _UnifyTypes_properties args "PolyType"
    (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)


We bundle the property tests for TypeCheck for reuse.

  :: (TypeCheck t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_TypeCheck_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> TypeCheck properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> TypeCheck: free variables have a type"
  testWith args $ test_typecheck_free_vars p

  putStrLn "====> TypeCheck: renaming bound vars"
  testWith args $ test_typecheck_bound_vars p

  putStrLn "====> TypeCheck: renaming free vars"
  testWith args $ test_typecheck_rename_free p

Now the module tests.

test_Infer :: Args -> IO ()
test_Infer args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Infer"

  _SubMono_properties args "TypeEnv"
    (Proxy :: Proxy TypeEnv)

  _UnifyTypes_properties args "TypeEnv"
    (Proxy :: Proxy TypeEnv)

  putStrLn "====> Type inference test cases"
  test test_cases_infer

  putStrLn "====> G |-S e : t => SG |-S e : St"
  testWith args test_infer_sub

  putStrLn "====> TypeCheck test cases: Expr"
  test test_cases_typecheck_expr

  _TypeCheck_properties args "Expr"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)


We package the monoid action property tests of judgement substitution for easy reuse.

  :: (JudSub t, Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t)
  => Args -> String -> Proxy t -> IO ()
_SubJud_properties args name p = do
  putStrLn $ ">>>>> SubJud properties: " ++ name

  putStrLn "====> Identity law for Sub Jud action"
  testWith args $ test_subjud_identity p

  putStrLn "====> Associativity law for Sub Jud action"
  testWith args $ test_subjud_action p

Tests for the module:

test_Jud :: Args -> IO ()
test_Jud args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Jud"

  putStrLn "====> Freshness property for variables"
  testWith args $
    test_fresh_not_member (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)

  _Eq_properties args "Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)

  _SubExpr_properties args "Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)

  _SubExpr_properties args "Sub Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Jud))

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Sub Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Jud))

  _Monoid_properties args "Sub Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Jud))

  _SubJud_properties args "Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)

  _SubJud_properties args "Sub Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Jud))

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Jud test cases"
  test test_cases_jud_match

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Jud substitution property"
  testWith args test_jud_match

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Jud self match"
  testWith args test_jud_match_self

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Jud rename bound vars"
  testWith args test_jud_match_rename_bound

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Jud explicit substitution"
  testWith args test_jud_match_sub

  _TypeCheck_properties args "Jud"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)


test_Proof :: Args -> IO ()
test_Proof args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Proof"

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Rule substitution property"
  testWith args test_match_rule

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Rule self property"
  testWith args test_match_rule_self

  putStrLn "====> Matching: Rule explicit substitution"
  testWith args test_match_rule_sub

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Rule"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)

  _TypeCheck_properties args "Rule"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)

  putStrLn "====> Rule typecheck test cases"
  test test_cases_rule_typecheck

  _HasExprVars_properties args "HypEnv"
    (Proxy :: Proxy HypEnv)

  _HasExprVars_properties args "Assumptions"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Assumptions)

  _Monoid_properties args "Assumptions"
    (Proxy :: Proxy Assumptions)


test_Module :: Args -> IO ()
test_Module args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Module"

  putStrLn "====> Proof Checking: Toys"
  test test_toy_theory


test_Fancy :: Args -> IO ()
test_Fancy args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Fancy"

  putStrLn "====> Deserialization"
  testWith args test_deserialize


test_Parser :: Args -> IO ()
test_Parser args = do
  putStrLn "\n--- Parser"

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Var Expr"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Var Expr"
  test test_cases_parse_varexpr

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Con Expr"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Con Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Con Expr"
  test test_cases_parse_conexpr

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Expr"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Expr)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Expr"
  test test_cases_parse_expr

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Var MonoType"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Var MonoType))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Var MonoType"
  test test_cases_parse_varmonotype

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Con MonoType"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Con MonoType))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Con MonoType"
  test test_cases_parse_conmonotype

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: MonoType"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy MonoType)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse MonoType"
  test test_cases_parse_monotype

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: PolyType"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy PolyType)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse PolyType"
  test test_cases_parse_polytype

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Sub Expr"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Sub Expr))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Sub Expr"
  test test_cases_parse_subexpr

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Var Jud"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy (Var Jud))

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Var Jud"
  test test_cases_parse_varjud

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Jud"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Jud)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Var Jud"
  test test_cases_parse_varjud

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: HypName"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy HypName)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: RuleName"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy RuleName)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Rule"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)

  putStrLn "====> Fancy Syntax: Rule"
  testWith args $ test_prettyfancy (Proxy :: Proxy Rule)

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Rule (Basic)"
  test test_cases_parse_rule_basic

  putStrLn "====> Test cases: parse Rule (Fancy)"
  test test_cases_parse_rule_fancy

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Proof"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Proof)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: FancyProofLine"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy FancyProofLine)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: FancyProof"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy FancyProof)

  putStrLn "====> Fancy Syntax: Proof"
  testWith args $ test_prettyfancy (Proxy :: Proxy Proof)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Claim"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Claim)

  putStrLn "====> Basic Syntax: Module"
  testWith args $ test_prettybasic (Proxy :: Proxy Module)