Rendering Trees

Posted on 2017-12-06 by nbloomf
Tags: literate-haskell

This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.

Recently a colleague of mine wrote some documentation that included a sample directory listing rendered in plain text, something like this:

├─ bar
│  └─ quux
└─ baz

Let’s figure out how to do this from scratch.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module RenderingTrees where

import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Directory.Tree
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Lisp
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (Tree)
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs

A directory listing is a multi-way tree, sometimes called a rose tree. We can define such trees recursively like so.

data Tree a
  = T a [Tree a]
  deriving Show

For example, here’s some trees.

tA, tB, tC, tD, tE :: Tree String
tA = T "A" []
tB = T "B" [tA]
tC = T "C" [tA, tB]
tD = T "D" [tA, tB, tC]
tE = T "E" [tA, tB, tC, tD]
tF = T "F" [tA, tB, tC, tD, tE]

fib :: Integer -> Tree Integer
fib 0 = T 0 []
fib 1 = T 1 []
fib k = T k [fib (k-1), fib (k-2)]

The Tree type is functorial.

instance Functor Tree where
  fmap f (T x bs) = T (f x) (map (fmap f) bs)

We can serialize a tree depth-first:

flatten :: Tree a -> [a]
flatten (T x bs) = x : concatMap flatten bs

And a Tree String can be rendered just by printing the nodes one per line, in depth-first order.

render :: Tree String -> String
render = concat . intersperse "\n" . flatten

render kind of does what we want – just without the nice line art along the left side.

$> putStrLn $ render tD

So now to append the right prefix to each line. Tree is a recursive type, so let’s think recursively. We can imagine rendering the child branches of a node, then appending a prefix to each line depending on whether that line is an immediate child node, the last immediate child node, a descendant of a child node, or a descendant of the last child node.

We need to map over the list of branches, applying a different map to the last element:

mapLast :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapLast f g = \case
  []   -> []
  x:[] -> [g x]
  x:xs -> (f x) : mapLast f g xs

And we need to map over a tree, applying a different map to the root:

mapRoot :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapRoot f g (T x bs) = T (f x) (map (fmap g) bs)

With that, adding prefixes works like so.

addPrefix :: Tree String -> Tree String
addPrefix (T x bs) = T x $ mapLast
  (mapRoot ("├─ " ++) ("│  " ++))
  (mapRoot ("└─ " ++) ("   " ++))
  (map addPrefix bs)

For example:

$> putStrLn $ render $ addPrefix tD
├─ A
├─ B
│  └─ A
└─ C
   ├─ A
   └─ B
      └─ A


For fun, let’s define a helper:

pretty :: Tree String -> String
pretty = render . addPrefix

directory listings, why not

The System.Directory.Tree library module has some functions for getting the tree structure of a directory on the system. We’ll need to convert the native tree type of that library to our Tree:

dir :: DirTree a -> Tree String
dir (Failed path _) = T path []
dir (Dir path xs) = T path (map dir xs)
dir (File path _) = T path []

blah blah

theDirTree :: FilePath -> IO ()
theDirTree path = do
  (_ :/ dtree) <- readDirectory path
  putStrLn $ pretty $ dir $ sortDir dtree

s-expressions because sure

The Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Lisp library module has some functions for parsing lisp code, a.k.a. S-expressions. We’ll need to convert the native tree type of that library to our Tree:

lisp :: LispVal -> Tree String
lisp (Atom str) = T str []
lisp (List xs) = T "()" (map lisp $ xs ++ [Atom "nil"])
lisp (DottedList xs y) = T "()" (map lisp $ xs ++ [y])
lisp (Number k) = T (show k) []
lisp (String str) = T (show str) []
lisp (Bool True) = T "#t" []
lisp (Bool False) = T "#f" []

frou frou

theLispTree :: String -> IO ()
theLispTree str =
  case parse parseExpr "" str of
    Left err -> putStrLn $ show err
    Right t -> putStrLn $ pretty $ lisp t

for example:

$> theLispTree "(foo bar (quux xyzzy) baz)"
├─ foo
├─ bar
├─ ()
│  ├─ quux
│  ├─ xyzzy
│  └─ nil
├─ baz
└─ nil

html, ok

The HXT library can parse arbitrary XML into rose trees. With some glue code we can render those too.

xmlTree :: NTree a -> Tree a
xmlTree (NTree x ts) = T x (map xmlTree ts)

xml :: NTree XNode -> Tree String
xml = fmap fromNode . xmlTree

fromNode :: XNode -> String
fromNode = \case
  XText str -> str
  XBlob blob -> blobToString blob
  XCharRef k -> "char: " ++ show k
  XEntityRef str -> str
  XCmt str -> str
  XCdata str -> str
  XPi name _ -> show name
  XTag name attr -> show name
  XDTD dtd _ -> show dtd
  XAttr name -> show name
  XError _ msg -> msg


theHTMLTree :: String -> IO ()
theHTMLTree str = do
  ts <- runX
          $ readString [withParseHTML yes, withValidate no]
          $ filter (/= '\n') str
  sequence_ $ map (putStrLn . pretty . xml) ts

such as

$> theHTMLTree "<html><head><title>a thing</title></head><body><p>wut</p></body></html>"
└─ "html"
   ├─ "head"
   │  └─ "title"
   │     └─ a thing
   └─ "body"
      └─ "p"
         └─ wut

the end

Finally a main function so we can use this from the command line.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    ["--path",path] -> theDirTree path
    ["--lisp"] -> getContents >>= theLispTree
    ["--html"] -> getContents >>= theHTMLTree
    _ -> do
      putStrLn "Usage:"
      putStrLn "  rendering-trees --path PATH : print listing for PATH"
      putStrLn "  rendering-trees --lisp      : print lisp file on stdin"
      putStrLn "  rendering-trees --html      : print html file on stdin"

fun fun