Consuming Fold

Posted on 2018-01-08 by nbloomf
Tags: arithmetic-made-difficult, literate-haskell

This page is part of a series on Arithmetic Made Difficult.

This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module ConsumingFold (
  cfoldr, _test_cfoldr, main_cfoldr
) where

import Testing
import Functions
import Tuples
import DisjointUnions
import Unary
import Lists

Today we’ll implement another recursion operator on lists. This one is similar to \(\foldr(\ast)(\ast)\) but allows us to “have our cake and eat it too” in a straightforward way.

Let \(A\) and \(B\) be sets, with \(\gamma \in B\) and \(\sigma : A \times \lists{A} \times B \rightarrow B\). Then there is a unique map \(\Omega : \lists{A} \rightarrow B\) such that \[\Omega(\nil) = \gamma\] and \[\Omega(\cons(a,x)) = \sigma(a,x,\Omega(x)).\] We denote this map by \(\cfoldr(\gamma)(\sigma)\).

Define \(\varphi : A \times B^{\lists{A}} \rightarrow B^{\lists{A}}\) casewise by \[\varphi(a,g)(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \sigma(a,\nil,g(\nil)) & \mathrm{if}\ x = \nil \\ \sigma(a,u,g(u)) & \mathrm{if}\ x = \cons(a,u), \end{array}\right.\] and define \(\Omega(x) = \foldr(\const(\gamma))(\varphi)(x)(x)\). Note that \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \Omega(\nil) \\ & = & \foldr(\const(\gamma))(\varphi)(\nil)(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#def-foldr-nil} = & \const(\gamma)(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-const} = & \gamma \end{eqnarray*}\] and \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \Omega(\cons(a,x)) \\ & = & \foldr(\const(\gamma))(\varphi)(\cons(a,x))(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#def-foldr-cons} = & \varphi(a,\foldr(\const(\gamma))(\varphi)(x))(\cons(a,x)) \\ & = & \sigma(a,x,\foldr(\const(\gamma))(\varphi)(x)(x)) \\ & = & \sigma(a,x,\Omega(x)) \end{eqnarray*}\] as needed. Suppose now that \(\Psi\) also has this property; we see that \(\Psi = \Omega\) by list induction on \(x\). For the base case \(x = \nil\) we have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \Psi(\nil) \\ & = & \gamma \\ & = & \Omega(\nil), \end{eqnarray*}\] and for the inductive step, suppose \(\Psi(x) = \Omega(x)\); then we have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \Psi(\cons(a,x)) \\ & = & \sigma(a,x,\Psi(x)) \\ & = & \sigma(a,x,\Omega(a)) \\ & = & \Omega(\cons(a,x)) \end{eqnarray*}\] as needed.


We have a few strategies for implementing \(\cfoldr(\ast)(\ast)\).

cfoldr, cfoldr'
  :: (List t)
  => b -> (a -> t a -> b -> b) -> t a -> b

There’s the definition from the theorem:

cfoldr' gamma sigma x = foldr (const gamma) phi x x
    phi a g w = case uncons w of
      Left ()          -> sigma a nil (g nil)
      Right (Pair b u) -> sigma b u (g u)

And there’s the definition using the universal property.

cfoldr gamma sigma x = case uncons x of
  Left ()          -> gamma
  Right (Pair a w) -> sigma a w (cfoldr gamma sigma w)

We should test that the two implementations are not not equivalent.

_test_cfoldr_equiv :: (List t, Equal (t a), Equal a)
  => t a -> Test (a -> (a -> t a -> a -> a) -> t a -> Bool)
_test_cfoldr_equiv _ =
  testName "cfoldr(gamma,sigma)(x) == cfoldr'(gamma,sigma)(x)" $
  \gamma sigma x -> eq (cfoldr gamma sigma x) (cfoldr' gamma sigma x)



_test_cfoldr ::
  ( TypeName a, Show a, Equal a, Arbitrary a, CoArbitrary a
  , TypeName (t a), List t, Equal (t a), Arbitrary (t a), Show (t a), CoArbitrary (t a)
  ) => Int -> Int -> t a -> IO ()
_test_cfoldr size cases t = do
  testLabel1 "cfoldr" t

  let args = testArgs size cases

  runTest args (_test_cfoldr_equiv t)


main_cfoldr :: IO ()
main_cfoldr = do
  _test_cfoldr 20 100 (nil :: ConsList Bool)
  _test_cfoldr 20 100 (nil :: ConsList Unary)