Head and Tail
This page is part of a series on Arithmetic Made Difficult.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module HeadAndTail (
head, tail, isNil, _test_head_tail, main_head_tail
) where
import Testing
import Functions
import Booleans
import Not
import Tuples
import DisjointUnions
import NaturalNumbers
import Lists
We define some helper functions in terms of \(\uncons\), analogous to \(\prev\) and \(\iszero\) on \(\nats\). These do not require recursion.
Let \(A\) be a set. We define \(\isnil : \lists{A} \rightarrow \bool\) by \[\isnil = \compose(\either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse)))(\uncons)\] and \(\head : \lists{A} \rightarrow 1 + A\) by \[\head = \compose(\uPair(\id,\fst))(\uncons)\] and \(\tail : \lists{A} \rightarrow \lists{A}\) by \[\tail = \compose(\either(\const(\nil),\snd))(\uncons).\]
In Haskell:
Now \(\isnil\) detects \(\nil\):
Let \(A\) be a set. For all \(a \in A\) and \(x \in \lists{A}\), we have the following.
- \(\isnil(\nil) = \btrue\).
- \(\isnil(\cons(a,x)) = \bfalse\).
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \isnil(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-isnil} = & \compose(\either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse)))(\uncons)(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse))(\uncons(\nil)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-nil} = & \either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse))(\lft(\ast)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#def-either-lft} = & \const(\btrue)(\ast) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-const} = & \btrue \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \isnil(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-isnil} = & \compose(\either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse)))(\uncons)(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse))(\uncons(\cons(a,x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-cons} = & \either(\const(\btrue),\const(\bfalse))(\rgt(\tup(a)(x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#def-either-rgt} = & \const(\bfalse)(\tup(a)(x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-const} = & \bfalse \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
_test_isNil_nil :: (List t, Equal (t a))
=> t a -> Test Bool
_test_isNil_nil z =
testName "isNil(nil) == true" $
let nil' = nil `withTypeOf` z in
isNil nil'
_test_isNil_cons :: (List t, Equal (t a))
=> t a -> Test (a -> t a -> Bool)
_test_isNil_cons _ =
testName "isNil(cons(a,x)) == false" $
\a x -> eq (isNil (cons a x)) false
\(\head\) extracts the “first” entry of a list:
Let \(A\) be a set. For all \(a \in A\) and \(x \in \lists{A}\), we have the following.
- \(\head(\nil) = \lft(\ast)\).
- \(\head(\cons(a,x)) = \rgt(a)\).
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \head(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-head} = & \compose(\uPair(\id,\fst))(\uncons)(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \uPair(\id,\fst)(\uncons(\nil)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-nil} = & \uPair(\id,\fst)(\lft(\ast)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#thm-uPair-lft} = & \lft(\id(\ast)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-id} = & \lft(\ast) \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \head(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-head} = & \compose(\uPair(\id,\fst))(\uncons)(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \uPair(\id,\fst)(\uncons(\cons(a,x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-cons} = & \uPair(\id,\fst)(\rgt(\tup(a)(x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#thm-uPair-rgt} = & \rgt(\fst(\tup(a)(x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Tuples.html#thm-fst-tup} = & \rgt(a) \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
_test_head_nil :: (List t, Equal (t a), Equal a)
=> t a -> Test Bool
_test_head_nil z =
testName "head(nil) == lft(*)" $
let nil' = nil `withTypeOf` z in
eq (head nil') (lft ())
_test_head_cons :: (List t, Equal (t a), Equal a)
=> t a -> Test (a -> t a -> Bool)
_test_head_cons _ =
testName "head(cons(a,x)) == rgt(a)" $
\a x -> eq (head (cons a x)) (rgt a)
And \(\tail\) peels off the “first” entry of a list.
Let \(A\) be a set. For all \(a \in A\) and \(x \in \lists{A}\), we have the following.
- \(\tail(\nil) = \nil\).
- \(\tail(\cons(a,x)) = x\).
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \tail(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-tail} = & \compose(\either(\const(\nil),\snd))(\uncons)(\nil) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \either(\const(\nil),\snd)(\uncons(\nil)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-nil} = & \either(\const(\nil),\snd)(\lft(\ast)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#def-either-lft} = & \const(\nil)(\ast) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-const} = & \nil \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
- We have \[\begin{eqnarray*} & & \tail(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/HeadAndTail.html#def-tail} = & \compose(\either(\const(\nil),\snd))(\uncons)(\cons(a,x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Functions.html#def-compose} = & \either(\const(\nil),\snd)(\uncons(\cons(a,x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Lists.html#thm-uncons-cons} = & \either(\const(\nil),\snd)(\rgt(\tup(a)(x))) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/DisjointUnions.html#def-either-rgt} = & \snd(\tup(a)(x)) \\ & \href{/posts/arithmetic-made-difficult/Tuples.html#thm-snd-tup} = & x \end{eqnarray*}\] as claimed.
_test_tail_nil :: (List t, Equal (t a))
=> t a -> Test Bool
_test_tail_nil z =
testName "tail(nil) == tail" $
let nil' = nil `withTypeOf` z in
eq (tail nil') nil'
_test_tail_cons :: (List t, Equal (t a))
=> t a -> Test (a -> t a -> Bool)
_test_tail_cons _ =
testName "tail(cons(a,x)) == x" $
\a x -> eq (tail (cons a x)) x
While we’re at it, no cons can be its own tail.
Let \(A\) be a set with \(a \in A\) and \(x \in \lists{A}\). Then \(\cons(a,x) \neq x\).
We proceed by list induction on \(x\). For the base case \(x = \nil\), we have \(\nil \neq \cons(a,\nil)\) for all \(a\) as needed. For the inductive step, suppose the inequality holds for some \(x\) and let \(b \in A\). Suppose further by way of contradiction that \(\cons(b,x) = \cons(a,\cons(b,x))\). Then we have \(a = b\) and \(x = \cons(b,x)\), a contradiction. So in fact \(\cons(b,x) \neq \cons(a,\cons(b,x))\) as needed.
_test_head_tail ::
( TypeName a, Equal a, Show a, Arbitrary a
, TypeName (t a), List t, Equal (t a), Arbitrary (t a), Show (t a)
) => Int -> Int -> t a -> IO ()
_test_head_tail size cases t = do
testLabel1 "head and tail" t
let args = testArgs size cases
runTest args (_test_isNil_nil t)
runTest args (_test_isNil_cons t)
runTest args (_test_head_nil t)
runTest args (_test_head_cons t)
runTest args (_test_tail_nil t)
runTest args (_test_tail_cons t)
runTest args (_test_cons_self t)