The Uniqueness of the Natural Numbers
This page is part of a series on Arithmetic Made Difficult.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns #-}
module NaturalNumbers
( Natural(..), Unary()
, isZero, prev, naturalRec
, _test_nats, main_nats
) where
import Testing
import Functions
import Flip
import Clone
import Composition
import Booleans
import Tuples
import DisjointUnions
import Unary
We have assumed the existence of a set \(\nats\) such that there is a unique inductive set homomorphism from \(\nats\) to any other inductive set. But it turns out that this set is not unique with this property; any other inductive set which is isomorphic to \(\nats\) enjoys it as well. In fact we’ve already seen one such set, namely \(1 + \nats\).
Here’s a handwavy proof. Let \((A,\varphi,e)\) be an inductive set, and suppose the unique map \(\theta : \nats \rightarrow A\) is bijective. Then there is a unique inductive set homomorphism \(\omega : A \rightarrow \nats\); namely, \(\omega = \theta^{-1}\). Now any homomorphism from \(A\) factors through the (unique) map \(\omega\).
From a mathematical point of view, isomorphic objects are interchangeable. But as we’ll eventually see, from a computational point of view, isomorphic objects can behave very differently. For this reason we will think of the properties of \(\nats\) as a kind of interface, and write our programs against that. Specifically, every element of a \(\nats\)-like set is either the zero or the successor of some other element, and \(\unnext\) discriminates between the two.
Now every inductive set isomorphic to \(\nats\) is characterized by (1) its zero element, (2) its successor function, (3) the unique map \(A \rightarrow \nats\), and (4) the unique map \(\nats \rightarrow A\). We will also need a helper function to recognize the shape of a natural number, and for convenience a helper to convert a Haskell-native Integer
to a natural number.
Our helpers \(\iszero\) and \(\prev\) can be written against this interface:
isZero :: (Natural n) => n -> Bool
isZero = (either (const true) (const false)) . unnext
prev :: (Natural n) => n -> n
prev = (either (const zero) id) . unnext
As can the natural recursion operator \(\natrec\).
naturalRec :: (Natural n)
=> a -> (a -> a) -> n -> a
naturalRec e phi n =
tau !x k = case unnext k of
Left () -> x
Right m -> tau (phi x) m
in tau e n
From now on we’ll write programs against the Natural
interface with naturalRec
instead of Unary
specifically. Of course, Unary
is an instance of Natural
instance Natural Unary where
zero = Z
next = N
unnext k = case k of
Z -> Left ()
N m -> Right m
natural = mkUnary
We proved some theorems about \(\unnext\), \(\prev\), and \(\iszero\) in the last post.
_test_unnext_zero :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test Bool
_test_unnext_zero m =
testName "unnext(0) == lft(*)" $
(unnext (zero `withTypeOf` m))
(lft ())
_test_unnext_next :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test (n -> Bool)
_test_unnext_next _ =
testName "unnext(next(m)) == rgt(m)" $
\m -> eq (unnext (next m)) (rgt m)
_test_prev_zero :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test Bool
_test_prev_zero m =
testName "prev(0) == 0" $
(prev (zero `withTypeOf` m))
_test_prev_next :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test (n -> Bool)
_test_prev_next _ =
testName "prev(next(m)) == m" $
\m -> eq (prev (next m)) m
_test_isZero_zero :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test Bool
_test_isZero_zero m =
testName "isZero(0) == true" $
(isZero (zero `withTypeOf` m))
_test_isZero_next :: (Natural n, Equal n)
=> n -> Test (n -> Bool)
_test_isZero_next _ =
testName "isZero(next(m)) == false" $
\m -> eq (isZero (next m)) false
_test_nats :: (TypeName n, Natural n, Show n, Arbitrary n, Equal n)
=> Int -> Int -> n -> IO ()
_test_nats size cases n = do
testLabel1 "nats" n
let args = testArgs size cases
runTest args (_test_unnext_zero n)
runTest args (_test_unnext_next n)
runTest args (_test_prev_zero n)
runTest args (_test_prev_next n)
runTest args (_test_isZero_zero n)
runTest args (_test_isZero_next n)
main_nats :: IO ()
main_nats = do
_test_nats 100 100 (zero :: Unary)
let a = zero :: Unary
let b = true :: Bool
let c = tup zero zero :: Pair Unary Unary
_test_functions 20 200 a a a a
_test_functions 20 200 a b a b
_test_flip 20 200 a a a a a a a
_test_flip 20 200 a b c a b c a
_test_clone 20 200 a a
_test_clone 20 200 a c
_test_compose 20 200 a a a a a a a
_test_compose 20 200 a b c a b c a
_test_tuple 20 200 a a a
_test_tuple 20 200 a b c
_test_disjoint_union 20 200 a a a
_test_disjoint_union 20 200 a b c