Tensor Functions
This post is part of a series of notes on machine learning.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
First some boilerplate.
module TensorFunctions where
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Function)
import Test.QuickCheck.Test
import Debug.Trace
import Indices
import IndexIsos
import Tensors
Ostensibly a “tensor function” is just a function with signature Tensor r -> Tensor r
. But it turns out this is not quite right. Tensor functions should be well defined on size – a function should expect as input functions of some uniform size \(u\) and should produce tensors of some other uniform size \(v\). As we’ve implemented tensors here, plain haskell functions can’t enforce this, so we’ll abstract functions behind a type that can.
data Function r = F
{ dom :: Size -- domain (input) size
, cod :: Size -- codomain (output) size
, fun :: Tensor r -> Tensor r
-- apply
($@) :: Function r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r
f $@ v = if (size v) /= dom f
then error $ "($@): domain mismatch: got " ++ show (size v)
++ " but expected " ++ show (dom f)
else let w = (fun f) v in
if (size w) == cod f
then w
else error $ "($@): codomain mismatch: got " ++ show (size w)
++ " but expected " ++ show (cod f)
-- compose
($.) :: Function r -> Function r -> Function r
g $. f =
if (dom g) == (cod f)
then F
{ dom = dom f
, cod = cod g
, fun = \v -> g $@ (f $@ v)
error "($.): domain/codomain mismatch"
infixr 0 $@
infixr 9 $.
We can also build a small library of functions in this style.
-- constant function
constF :: (Num r) => Size -> Tensor r -> Function r
constF u a = F
{ dom = u
, cod = size a
, fun = \_ -> a
-- identity function
idF :: Size -> Function r
idF u = F
{ dom = u
, cod = u
, fun = id
-- scalar multiplication
scalarF :: (Num r) => Size -> r -> Function r
scalarF u k = F
{ dom = u
, cod = u
, fun = \v -> k .@ v
-- matrix-vector multiplication
linearF :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Function r
linearF m@(T (v :* u) _) = F
{ dom = u
, cod = v
, fun = \w -> m **> w
linearF _ = error "linearF: parameter should have product shape."
-- matrix-vector multiplication plus a constant
affineF :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Function r
affineF m@(T (v :* u) _) b@(T w _) =
if v == w
then F
{ dom = u
, cod = v
, fun = \z -> (m **> z) .+ b
else error "affineF: dimension mismatch"
affineF _ _ = error "affineF: first parameter should have product shape."
-- pointwise eval
pointwiseF :: (Num r) => Size -> (r -> r) -> Function r
pointwiseF u f = F
{ dom = u
, cod = u
, fun = \v -> fmap f v
-- diagonalize
diagF :: (Num r) => Size -> Function r
diagF u = F
{ dom = u
, cod = u :* u
, fun = diag
cellF :: Size -> (Tensor r -> r) -> Function r
cellF u f = F
{ dom = u
, cod = 1
, fun = \v -> cell $ f v
And direct summing:
dSumR :: Size -> Tensor r -> Function r
dSumR u a@(T v _) = F
{ dom = u
, cod = u :+ v
, fun = \x -> x `oplus` a
dSumL :: Size -> Tensor r -> Function r
dSumL u a@(T v _) = F
{ dom = u
, cod = v :+ u
, fun = \x -> a `oplus` x
Algebra of Functions
For fun we can describe an algebra of tensor functions. There’s sums:
instance Vector Function where
r .@ f = F
{ dom = dom f
, cod = cod f
, fun = \v -> r .@ (f $@ v)
f .+ g
| (dom f) /= (dom g) = error "Function (.+): domains must match"
| (cod f) /= (cod g) = error "Function (.+): codomains must match"
| otherwise = F
{ dom = dom f
, cod = cod f
, fun = \v -> (f $@ v) .+ (g $@ v)
neg f = F
{ dom = dom f
, cod = cod f
, fun = \v -> neg (f $@ v)
(+++) :: Function r -> Function r -> Function r
f +++ g = F
{ dom = (dom f) :+ (dom g)
, cod = (cod f) :+ (cod g)
, fun = \v -> (f $@ termL v) `oplus` (g $@ termR v)
And mapping into products.
mapR :: Size -> Function r -> Function r
mapR u f = F
{ dom = u :* (dom f)
, cod = u :* (cod f)
, fun = \a -> tensor (u :* (cod f)) $
\(i :& j) -> (f $@ projR i a) `at'` j
mapL :: Size -> Function r -> Function r
mapL u f = F
{ dom = (dom f) :* u
, cod = (cod f) :* u
, fun = \a -> tensor ((cod f) :* u) $
\(i :& j) -> (f $@ projL j a) `at'` i
As an example, given a matrix we can use the map*
operators to sum or maximum of the rows or columns of a product-shaped tensor.