Software Tools in Haskell: Escape Codes

Posted on 2016-02-20 by nbloomf
Tags: software-tools-in-haskell, literate-haskell

This page is part of a series on Software Tools in Haskell.

This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.

As usual, we start with some imports.

-- sth-unescape: interpret C and ASCII backslash escape codes on stdin
module Lib.Backslash (bsUnEsc) where

import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Char (ord, readLitChar)

In several tools to come we will need a function which expands escape codes in a string. This module provides just such a function, called bsUnEsc.

There’s no nice way to do this, so we pattern match on the prefix of a string looking for escape codes. One gotcha: the ASCII abbreviations are not prefix free; for instance the meaning of the string \SOHello is ambiguous; is it \SO (Shift Out) followed by Hello or \SOH (Start Of Heading) followed by ello? To make sure these are detected correctly, we pattern match \SOH first (since otherwise that string would always match as \SO followed by H) and add one more escape code, \& (taken from Haskell), for those occasions when you really want \SO followed by H not interpreted as \SOH. \& represents the empty string, so we can do this with \SO\&H. So, you know, for all those times you need carefully formatted ASCII control codes.

bsUnEsc is the bulk of the unescape tool, but it will be useful in several other tools as well. So we extract it in a library.

bsUnEsc :: String -> String
bsUnEsc = concat . unfoldr firstChar
    firstChar :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
    firstChar "" = Nothing
    firstChar (c:cs) = case c of
      '\\' -> case cs of
        -- Basic C-style escape characters
        ('a' :ds) -> Just ("\a\&",ds)
        ('b' :ds) -> Just ("\b\&",ds)
        ('f' :ds) -> Just ("\f\&",ds)
        ('n' :ds) -> Just ("\n\&",ds)
        ('r' :ds) -> Just ("\r\&",ds)
        ('t' :ds) -> Just ("\t\&",ds)
        ('v' :ds) -> Just ("\v\&",ds)
        ('\\':ds) -> Just ("\\\&",ds)
        ('\'':ds) -> Just ("'\&" ,ds)
        ('"' :ds) -> Just ("\"\&",ds)
        ('?' :ds) -> Just ("?\&" ,ds)

        -- 3-digit octal ASCII codes
        ('0':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['0',k2,k3] ds
        ('1':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['1',k2,k3] ds
        ('2':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['2',k2,k3] ds
        ('3':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['3',k2,k3] ds
        ('4':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['4',k2,k3] ds
        ('5':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['5',k2,k3] ds
        ('6':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['6',k2,k3] ds
        ('7':k2:k3:ds) -> octalCode ['7',k2,k3] ds

        -- 2-digit hex ASCII codes
        ('x':k1:k2:ds) -> case all isHexDigit digs of
          True  -> case readLitChar ("\\x" ++ digs) of
            []        -> Just ("\\x" ++ digs, ds)
            ((x,_):_) -> Just ([x],ds)
          False -> Just ("\\x" ++ digs, ds)
            digs = [k1,k2]

        -- Standard ASCII abbreviations
        ('N':'U':'L':ds) -> Just ("\NUL\&", ds)
        ('S':'O':'H':ds) -> Just ("\SOH\&", ds)
        ('S':'T':'X':ds) -> Just ("\STX\&", ds)
        ('E':'T':'X':ds) -> Just ("\ETX\&", ds)
        ('E':'O':'T':ds) -> Just ("\EOT\&", ds)
        ('E':'N':'Q':ds) -> Just ("\ENQ\&", ds)
        ('A':'C':'K':ds) -> Just ("\ACK\&", ds)
        ('B':'E':'L':ds) -> Just ("\BEL\&", ds)
        ('D':'L':'E':ds) -> Just ("\DLE\&", ds)
        ('D':'C':'1':ds) -> Just ("\DC1\&", ds)
        ('D':'C':'2':ds) -> Just ("\DC2\&", ds)
        ('D':'C':'3':ds) -> Just ("\DC3\&", ds)
        ('D':'C':'4':ds) -> Just ("\DC4\&", ds)
        ('N':'A':'K':ds) -> Just ("\NAK\&", ds)
        ('S':'Y':'N':ds) -> Just ("\SYN\&", ds)
        ('E':'T':'B':ds) -> Just ("\ETB\&", ds)
        ('C':'A':'N':ds) -> Just ("\CAN\&", ds)
        ('S':'U':'B':ds) -> Just ("\SUB\&", ds)
        ('E':'S':'C':ds) -> Just ("\ESC\&", ds)
        ('D':'E':'L':ds) -> Just ("\DEL\&", ds)
        ('E':'M'    :ds) -> Just ("\EM\&",  ds)
        ('F':'S'    :ds) -> Just ("\FS\&",  ds)
        ('G':'S'    :ds) -> Just ("\GS\&",  ds)
        ('R':'S'    :ds) -> Just ("\RS\&",  ds)
        ('U':'S'    :ds) -> Just ("\US\&",  ds)
        ('S':'P'    :ds) -> Just ("\SP\&",  ds)
        ('B':'S'    :ds) -> Just ("\BS\&",  ds)
        ('H':'T'    :ds) -> Just ("\HT\&",  ds)
        ('L':'F'    :ds) -> Just ("\LF\&",  ds)
        ('V':'T'    :ds) -> Just ("\VT\&",  ds)
        ('F':'F'    :ds) -> Just ("\FF\&",  ds)
        ('C':'R'    :ds) -> Just ("\CR\&",  ds)
        ('S':'O'    :ds) -> Just ("\SO\&",  ds)
        ('S':'I'    :ds) -> Just ("\SI\&",  ds)

        -- C99-style universal character names
        ('u':k1:k2:k3:k4:ds) -> case all isHexDigit digs of
          True  -> case readLitChar ("\\x" ++ digs) of
            []        -> Just ("\\u" ++ digs, ds)
            ((x,_):_) -> Just ([x],ds)
          False -> Just ("\\u" ++ digs, ds)
            digs = [k1,k2,k3,k4]

        ('U':k1:k2:k3:k4:k5:k6:k7:k8:ds) -> case all isHexDigit digs of
          True  -> case readLitChar ("\\x" ++ digs) of
            []        -> Just ("\\U" ++ digs, ds)
            ((x,_):_) -> Just ([x],ds)
          False -> Just ("\\U" ++ digs, ds)
            digs = [k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8]

        -- stolen from haskell
        ('&':ds) -> Just ("",ds)

        -- If we don't see a valid esc code, just move on.
        ds -> Just ("\\\&", ds)

      -- No backslash
      otherwise -> Just ([c],cs)
        isHexDigit :: Char -> Bool
        isHexDigit = (`elem` "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF")

        isOctDigit :: Char -> Bool
        isOctDigit = (`elem` "01234567")

        octalCode digs ds = case all isOctDigit digs of
          True  -> case readLitChar ("\\o" ++ digs) of
            []        -> Just ('\\':digs, ds)
            ((x,_):_) -> Just ([x],ds)
          False -> Just ('\\':digs, ds)