Software Tools in Haskell: archive
bundle text files
This page is part of a series on Software Tools in Haskell.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
As usual, we start with some imports.
-- archive: bundle text files
module Main where
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.List (unfoldr, find)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
is an extremely limited form of the standard tool tar
. From a bird’s eye view, it bundles one or more text files into a single archive, which can be thought of as a mapping from file names to file contents. It does not maintain a hierarchy of its contents and only works with text files. In fact the archive “format” is little more than the concatenation of file names and contents.
An archive consists of a sequence of entries of the form
#name of file
>line 1 of file
>line 2 of file
Lines starting with any character other than #
or >
are ignored. (We shouldn’t be editing the archive file by hand, and we’ll be careful that archive
writes correctly formatted archives.) If two items in an archive have the same name, we ignore all but the first. This shouldn’t happen if we only manipulate archives with archive
, but our archive format is such that the concatenation of two archives may be a valid archive. The program is called in one of the following ways:
archive NAME --list
archive NAME --add FILE ...
archive NAME --get FILE ...
archive NAME --remove FILE ...
archive NAME --replace FILE ...
prints the contents of the files in an archive. add
puts new files (given by name as arguments) into an existing archive, and get
retrieves them again, printing to stdout
. remove
deletes an entry in an archive, and replace
is equivalent to a remove followed by an add, swapping out the contents of a file in the archive. Destructive operations (remove and replace) send the altered archive to stdout
rather than destroying the original. Trying to operate on a nonexistent archive creates it on the fly.
First, we’ll define an abstract “archive” type to keep track of the information we want: an archive is a list of named items.
type Name = String
data Item a = I
{ nameOf :: Name
, contentsOf :: a
} deriving Show
data Archive a
= A [Item a]
deriving Show
emptyArchive :: Archive a
emptyArchive = A []
The use of the synonym Name
for String
is an example of a common idiom in languages with type inference. Names are Strings, but by introducing a lightweight type to indicate that a particular string is not just a String, but a Name, will make our type signatures more meaningful with no additional overhead. Due in part to purity, type signatures in Haskell, and I imagine in languages of similar descent like ML and F#, are a powerful kind of documentation. Just knowing the signature of a function tells us quite a bit about what it may – or may not! – do. But now I’m rambling.
Our archive type needs to support the five basic operations: adding, retrieving, removing, viewing, and listing items. This is straightforward.
getNames :: Archive a -> [Name]
getNames (A xs) = map nameOf xs
getItem :: Archive a -> Name -> Maybe a
getItem (A xs) str = do
let hasName x = nameOf x == str
item <- find hasName xs
return (contentsOf item)
getItems :: Archive a -> [Name] -> Maybe [a]
getItems arch = mapM (getItem arch)
putItem :: Archive a -> (Name, a) -> Maybe (Archive a)
putItem (A []) (str, x) =
Just $ A [I { nameOf = str, contentsOf = x }]
putItem (A (item:xs)) (str, x) = do
if nameOf item == str
then Nothing
else do
A zs <- putItem (A xs) (str, x)
return $ A (item:zs)
putItems :: Archive a -> [(Name, a)] -> Maybe (Archive a)
putItems = foldM putItem
replaceItem :: Archive a -> (Name, a) -> Archive a
replaceItem (A []) (str, x) =
A [I { nameOf = str, contentsOf = x }]
replaceItem (A (item:xs)) (str, x) =
if nameOf item == str
A (item { contentsOf = x } : xs)
let A zs = replaceItem (A xs) (str, x)
in A (item:zs)
replaceItems :: Archive a -> [(Name, a)] -> Archive a
replaceItems = foldl replaceItem
deleteItem :: Archive a -> Name -> Archive a
deleteItem (A []) _ = A []
deleteItem (A (item:xs)) str =
if nameOf item == str
then A xs
let A zs = deleteItem (A xs) str
in A (item:zs)
deleteItems :: Archive a -> [Name] -> Archive a
deleteItems = foldl deleteItem
Note that implementing archives as a (pure) type means that in principle we do have to read in an entire archive before we can operate on it, laziness notwithstanding. It’s possible this will cause performance issues on large archives, but this is fine for now.
The final functions we need for our abstract Archive type allow us to read from, and write to, lists of strings.
readArchiveBy ::
([String] -> a) -> [String] -> Archive a
readArchiveBy rd lns = A $ map try $ readArchive lns
try (name, strs) = I { nameOf = name, contentsOf = rd strs }
readArchive :: [String] -> [(Name, [String])]
readArchive = unfoldr rdFst
rdFst :: [String] -> Maybe ((Name, [String]), [String])
rdFst [] = Nothing
rdFst (('#':ln):lns) = do
isContent as = case as of
'>':_ -> True
otherwise -> False
(xs,rest) = span isContent lns
return ((ln, map tail xs), rest)
rdFst (_:lns) = rdFst lns
writeArchiveBy :: (a -> [String]) -> Archive a -> [String]
writeArchiveBy wr (A xs) = concatMap writeItem xs
writeItem item
= ('#' : nameOf item) : map ('>':) (wr $ contentsOf item)
readStringArchive :: [String] -> Archive [String]
readStringArchive = readArchiveBy id
writeStringArchive :: Archive [String] -> [String]
writeStringArchive = writeArchiveBy id
The Archive type and basic operations are kept in a separate module; users of the module can only create and manipulate Archive
s via the provided interface. In this way we have the ability to change the implementation later if needed; for instance, we could store items in an archive using a tree rather than a list. (Although, since in typical usage archive
has to read an entire archive anyway, I doubt using an asymptotically better structure will have much effect on the overall efficiency of the entire program. In such cases I think the simpler implementation is preferable.)
The main program is reasonably straightforward. We read the command line arguments to determine the name of the archive being manipulated, which of the five commands is being invoked, and the name(s) of the file(s) used.
data Action = List | Add | Get | Remove | Replace
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
-- process arguments
(file, act, names) <- case args of
[x,"--list"] -> return (x, List, [])
(x:"--add":xs) -> return (x, Add, xs)
(x:"--get":xs) -> return (x, Get, xs)
(x:"--remove":xs) -> return (x, Remove, xs)
(x:"--replace":xs) -> return (x, Replace, xs)
otherwise -> argErr >> exitFailure
-- read the archive
arch <- do
fileExists <- doesFileExist file
case fileExists of
True -> do
x <- fmap getLines $ readFile file
return $ readStringArchive x
False -> return emptyArchive
-- how we process the items
getItem str = case str of
"-" -> do
lns <- fmap getLines $ getContents
return ("-", lns)
otherwise -> do
lns <- fmap getLines $ readFile str
return (str, lns)
-- do the thing
case act of
List -> sequence_ $ map putStrLn $ getNames arch
Add -> do
items <- mapM getItem names
case putItems arch items of
Just x -> putFileLns file $ writeStringArchive x
Nothing -> do
[ "name exists in archive." ]
>> exitFailure
Get -> do
case getItems arch names of
Just xs -> mapM_ (sequence_ . map putStrLn) xs
Nothing -> do
[ "name does not exist in archive." ]
>> exitFailure
Remove -> do
$ map putStrLn
$ writeStringArchive
$ deleteItems arch names
Replace -> do
items <- mapM getItem names
$ map putStrLn
$ writeStringArchive
$ replaceItems arch items
argErr :: IO ()
argErr = reportErrorMsgs
[ "usage:"
, " archive ARCH --list"
, " archive ARCH --add FILE ..."
, " archive ARCH --get FILE ..."
, " archive ARCH --remove FILE ..."
, " archive ARCH --replace FILE ..."
This program could be improved in several ways. As is, if the user tries to add an existing name to an archive, we bail. This seems like the Right Thing. But if the user tries to add a list of several names to an archive, and only one of them already exists, the entire operation fails. The same is true of the get operation. Would it be better to add/get what we can? Maybe, maybe not. The “fail early” strategy means that archive operations are atomic; each operation either succeeds entirely or fails entirely. This property can help us avoid inconsistent state, if, say, archive
is used as a component in another program. Kernighan and Plauger also suggest keeping track of the date and time that a particular file is archived in the item header; this could be done by adding a DateTime
field to the Item
type and passing the date and time as an extra argument from the main function.
One possible drawback of this design is that we add some overhead to the files being archived – one extra character per line. For some files this might be a significant burden.
Old Stuff
-- split on \n
getLines :: String -> [String]
getLines = unfoldr firstLine
firstLine :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
firstLine xs = case break (== '\n') xs of
("","") -> Nothing
(as,"") -> Just (as,"")
(as,b:bs) -> Just (as,bs)
-- write list of messages to stderr
reportErrorMsgs :: [String] -> IO ()
reportErrorMsgs errs = do
name <- getProgName
sequence_ $ map (hPutStrLn stderr) $ ((name ++ " error"):errs)
putFileLns :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
putFileLns name lns = writeFile name (unlines lns)