Software Tools in Haskell: pslineprint
print lines to postscript
This page is part of a series on Software Tools in Haskell.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
As usual, we start with some imports.
-- pslineprint: print stdin to postscript
module Main where
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Data.List (unfoldr, isPrefixOf)
We will separate the print
example program in Software Tools into several utilities. I don’t have access to a real line printer (are these even made anymore? I can’t find any info) so I’ll start by building a “virtual” line printer. A line printer consumes lines of text and prints them onto paper one by one. Our virtual line printer should do the same, or something like it – consume lines of text and convert them to a format that can be sent to a real printer.
PostScript is a programming language, in use since the mid-1980s, which allows us to succinctly describe the appearance of a printed page. Many printers can directly interpret programs written in PostScript and there is a large ecosystem of tools which can manipulate PostScript documents. The language is a de facto standard, and so we choose PostScript as the output format of our virtual line printer, pslineprint
About PostScript
PostScript is a very mature stack-oriented programming language, described in the PostScript Language Reference Manual. We will only need to use a few features of the language: to print text (including strange characters) using a specific typeface to specific locations on a page and to print multiple pages.
Every PS document must start with the line
Then to print text we have to select a font.
/Courier findfont
12 scalefont
Every point on the page has a pair of coordinates; the lower left corner of the page is \((0,0)\), and \((h,k)\) is \(h\) points from the left edge and \(k\) points from the bottom edge. At any given time while a PostScript program is running there is a “current” position where all drawing commands are carried out; we can change the current position with moveto
. For example the following command moves the position to \((10,20)\).
10 20 moveto
This line pushes the numbers 10 and 20 onto a virtual stack, and then moveto
pops the first two items (which are numbers) off of the stack and has the side effect of moving the current position to those coordinates. (A full discussion of stack-oriented languages is beyond our scope, but they are a very interesting topic and are very amenable to code generation.)
The show
command prints a string at the current position using the current font; it even implicitly updates the current position so that multiple show
commands work as expected. To actually render drawing commands to the page, we use showpage
, and %%Page:
starts a new page. (That last command is not clear to me, but my PostScript viewer requires it.) Putting this together, try copying the following to a file called
and opening it in a PostScript viewer. (Note that the file must end with a newline!)
/Courier findfont
12 scalefont
%%Page: 1
10 20 moveto
(hello world!) show
%%Page: 2
10 20 moveto
(what is this) show
Okay. But there is one major limitation of PostScript that we’ll have to work around: PostScript does not play very nicely with Unicode. The show
function only behaves as expected on 8-bit ASCII text. The workaround is to use the function glyphshow
, which takes special symbolic names for glyphs escaped with a forward slash. For instance,
/alpha glyphshow
prints the greek letter alpha as long as the current font has a glyph for it. (The version of Courier on my system does not have glyphs for very many special characters, so I will instead use FreeMono
from the GNU Foundation.) Julian Wiseman has compiled a nice table of PostScript glyph names (archive link).
unicodeToPS :: String -> String
unicodeToPS = renderPSText . toPSText
data PSChar
= Plain String
| Glyph String
deriving (Show)
type PSText = [PSChar]
renderPSText :: PSText -> String
renderPSText = concatMap renderPSChar
renderPSChar :: PSChar -> String
renderPSChar (Plain s)
= "(" ++ s ++ ") show\n"
renderPSChar (Glyph g)
= "/" ++ g ++ " glyphshow\n"
toPSText :: String -> PSText
toPSText = condense . map toPSChar
condense :: PSText -> PSText
condense = unfoldr first
first :: PSText -> Maybe (PSChar, PSText)
first [] = Nothing
first (x:xs) = case x of
Glyph g -> Just (Glyph g, xs)
Plain c -> do
let (ps,rest) = span isPlain xs
cs <- fmap concat $ sequence $ map fromPlain ps
Just (Plain (c++cs), rest)
isPlain :: PSChar -> Bool
isPlain (Plain _) = True
isPlain (Glyph _) = False
fromPlain :: PSChar -> Maybe String
fromPlain (Plain s) = Just s
fromPlain (Glyph _) = Nothing
-- hold on to your butts
toPSChar :: Char -> PSChar
toPSChar x = case x of
'\\' -> Plain "\\\\"
-- Greek Letters: Uppercase
'\x0391' -> Glyph "Alpha"
'\x0392' -> Glyph "Beta"
'\x0393' -> Glyph "Gamma"
'\x0394' -> Glyph "Deltagreek"
'\x0395' -> Glyph "Epsilon"
'\x0396' -> Glyph "Zeta"
'\x0397' -> Glyph "Eta"
'\x0398' -> Glyph "Theta"
'\x0399' -> Glyph "Iota"
'\x039a' -> Glyph "Kappa"
'\x039b' -> Glyph "Lambda"
'\x039c' -> Glyph "Mu"
'\x039d' -> Glyph "Nu"
'\x039e' -> Glyph "Xi"
'\x039f' -> Glyph "Omicron"
'\x03a0' -> Glyph "Pi"
'\x03a1' -> Glyph "Rho"
'\x03a3' -> Glyph "Sigma"
'\x03a4' -> Glyph "Tau"
'\x03a5' -> Glyph "Upsilon"
'\x03a6' -> Glyph "Phi"
'\x03a7' -> Glyph "Chi"
'\x03a8' -> Glyph "Psi"
'\x03a9' -> Glyph "Omegagreek"
-- Greek letters: Lowercase
'\x03b1' -> Glyph "alpha"
'\x03b2' -> Glyph "beta"
'\x03b3' -> Glyph "gamma"
'\x03b4' -> Glyph "delta"
'\x03b5' -> Glyph "epsilon"
'\x03b6' -> Glyph "zeta"
'\x03b7' -> Glyph "eta"
'\x03b8' -> Glyph "theta"
'\x03b9' -> Glyph "iota"
'\x03ba' -> Glyph "kappa"
'\x03bb' -> Glyph "lambda"
'\x03bc' -> Glyph "mugreek"
'\x03bd' -> Glyph "nu"
'\x03be' -> Glyph "xi"
'\x03bf' -> Glyph "omicron"
'\x03c0' -> Glyph "pi"
'\x03c1' -> Glyph "rho"
'\x03c2' -> Glyph "sigmafinal"
'\x03c3' -> Glyph "sigma"
'\x03c4' -> Glyph "tau"
'\x03c5' -> Glyph "upsilon"
'\x03c6' -> Glyph "phi"
'\x03c7' -> Glyph "chi"
'\x03c8' -> Glyph "psi"
'\x03c9' -> Glyph "omega"
-- Otherwise
_ -> Plain [x]
First, we’ll write a black-box module that exports only one function, unicodeToPS
, with the sole purpose of taking a string of unicode characters and returning the PostScript code needed to print it. The implementation of unicodeToPS
is straigtforward, but tedious; we march down the string and chop it into ASCII and non-ASCII parts. The ASCII parts are handled with show
and the non-ASCII parts handled one character at a time with glyphshow
Limiting the Scope
Before writing any code for the printer itself, let’s decide what it will and will not do:
- It will print lines of unformatted unicode text in a fixed-width font (as nature intended).
- It will not worry about wrapping lines. If we try to print a line that is too long for the page, it will silently march off the edge.
- It will not worry about page headings or page numbers.
- It will not print multiple files – only lines from
. - It will not interpret escape codes or formatting commands.
All of the “will not” tasks will be left for other tools to deal with; the virtual printer itself will be as simple as possible.
Modeling a Printer
Now for the virtual line printer. We will think of a line printer as a machine which prints lines in the context of some basic internal state. Some state we can think of as configurable, but fixed: page margins, font size, line spacing, and page size. We use an extremely basic model of page geometry. Other state is updated as the line printer prints lines: the current page number and the current line number. (The pageInProcess
flag is set whenever the current page has text printed on it; this is needed later.)
data Geom = Geom
{ fontSize :: Int
, lineSkip :: Int
, vMargin :: Int
, hMargin :: Int
, pageHeight :: Int
, pageWidth :: Int
} deriving (Show)
-- letter size, 12 pt type
defaultGeom :: Geom
defaultGeom = Geom
{ fontSize = 12
, lineSkip = 2
, vMargin = 28
, hMargin = 32
, pageHeight = 792
, pageWidth = 612
data LPState = LPState
{ pageSettings :: Geom
, currentLine :: Int
, currentPage :: Int
, pageInProcess :: Bool
makeLPState :: Geom -> LPState
makeLPState geom = LPState
{ pageSettings = geom
, currentLine = 1
, currentPage = 1
, pageInProcess = False
From the page geometry, we can compute two important quantities: the number of lines that can be printed on one page, and the position on the page of each line.
numLinesPerPage :: Geom -> Int
numLinesPerPage geom = floor ((pH - (2*vM)) / (fS + lS))
pH = fromIntegral $ pageHeight geom
vM = fromIntegral $ vMargin geom
fS = fromIntegral $ fontSize geom
lS = fromIntegral $ lineSkip geom
-- lower left corner of line number k
lineStartPos :: Geom -> Int -> (Int,Int)
lineStartPos geom k = (hM, pH - vM - k*(fS + lS))
hM = hMargin geom
vM = vMargin geom
pH = pageHeight geom
fS = fontSize geom
lS = lineSkip geom
We’d like to expose a small number of primitive commands that the printer accepts: print a line of text, advance to the next line or the next page. This problem is well modeled by a monad. We use a custom monad stack with explicit state and IO.
newtype LinePrinter t = LP
{ runLP :: LPState -> IO (t, LPState) }
runLPJob :: Geom -> LinePrinter t -> IO t
runLPJob geom pr = do
(x,_) <- runLP pr (makeLPState geom)
return x
instance Monad LinePrinter where
return x = LP (\st -> return (x, st))
x >>= f = LP foo
foo st1 = do
(y,st2) <- runLP x st1
runLP (f y) st2
-- (necessary)
instance Applicative LinePrinter where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor LinePrinter where
fmap = liftM
Now the printer interface we expose is a small number of monadic functions. For instance, lpPutStr
prints a string at the current line.
lpPutStr :: String -> LinePrinter ()
lpPutStr "" = return ()
lpPutStr str = lpStartPage >> LP write
write st = do
let (x,y) = lineStartPos (pageSettings st) (currentLine st)
putStrLn $ show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " moveto"
putStr $ unicodeToPS str
return ((), st)
advances the “print head” to the next line.
lpLineFeed :: LinePrinter ()
lpLineFeed = lpStartPage >> LP lf
lf st = do
(kOld,mOld) = (currentLine st, currentPage st)
lpp = numLinesPerPage (pageSettings st)
if kOld + 1 > lpp
then do
putStrLn "showpage\n"
return ((), st {currentLine = 1, currentPage = mOld+1, pageInProcess = False})
else do
return ((), st {currentLine = kOld+1, currentPage = mOld})
lpPutStrLn :: String -> LinePrinter ()
lpPutStrLn str = do
lpPutStr str
lpInitialize :: LinePrinter ()
lpInitialize = LP init
init st = do
putStrLn "%!PS"
putStrLn "/FreeMono findfont"
let k = fontSize $ pageSettings st
putStrLn $ show k ++ " scalefont"
putStrLn "setfont\n"
return ((), st)
lpStartPage :: LinePrinter ()
lpStartPage = LP sp
sp st = do
if pageInProcess st == True
then return ()
else putStrLn $ "%%Page: " ++ show (currentPage st)
return ((), st { pageInProcess = True })
lpShutDown :: LinePrinter ()
lpShutDown = LP sd
sd st = do
if pageInProcess st == False
then return ()
else putStrLn "showpage"
return ((), st { pageInProcess = False })
Putting these together, the lpPrintLns
function prints a list of lines.
lpPrintLns :: [String] -> LinePrinter ()
lpPrintLns lns = do
mapM_ lpPutStrLn lns
lpPutCCStrLn :: CCLine -> LinePrinter ()
lpPutCCStrLn x = do
mapM_ lpPutStr (fromCCLine x)
lpPrintCCLns :: [CCLine] -> LinePrinter ()
lpPrintCCLns lns = do
mapM_ lpPutCCStrLn lns
It is straightforward to write versions of lpPutStr
and lpPrintLns
that work on carriage control encoded lines we worked with in linecount
– doing so allows our virtual line printer to produce overstruck characters.
The Main Program
All we’ve built so far is a small monadic language which simulates a line printer; all the complexity of PostScript (and integrating unicode with PostScript) is hidden away behind the LinePrinter
interface. Next we need to wire this language to the command line so it can interact seamlessly with our other tools.
This tool differs from the others we’ve built so far in that our virtual line printer has a few different knobs the user may want to adjust: specifically, the page geometry parameters. To make our tool unopinionated, we should expose these parameters to the user at the command line. And to minimize the burden on the user the order in which these parameters are specified should not matter. Handling several different possible options in any order by hand is tedious and error prone, so we will instead use the standard GetOpt
library. This library allows us to declaratively specify what options our program has and provides several useful functions for reading and processing those options. For programs with very simple parameters the full power of GetOpt
is overkill, but it is appropriate here.
The main program logic is very simple. We read the command line options, interpret them as a page geometry specification, and the run our monadic line printer on stdin
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
argErr = reportErrorMsgs [usageInfo "options" options]
corrErr = reportErrorMsgs ["corrupt input"]
-- read options
flags <- case getOpt Permute options args of
(opts, [], []) -> return $ foldl (>>=) (Just defaultFlags) opts
otherwise -> argErr >> exitFailure
-- process options
(geom, mode) <- case flags of
Nothing -> argErr >> exitFailure
Just fs -> do
g = defaultGeom
{ fontSize = fFontSize fs
, lineSkip = fLineSkip fs
, vMargin = fVMargin fs
, hMargin = fHMargin fs
return (g, fMode fs)
stdin <- getContents
case mode of
Lines -> runLPJob geom $ lpPrintLns $ getLines stdin
ASACC -> case readCCLines stdin of
Nothing -> corrErr >> exitFailure
Just xs -> runLPJob geom $ lpPrintCCLns xs
{- Options -}
data Mode = Lines | ASACC
data Flags = Flags
{ fFontSize :: Int
, fLineSkip :: Int
, fVMargin :: Int
, fHMargin :: Int
, fMode :: Mode
defaultFlags :: Flags
defaultFlags = Flags
{ fFontSize = 12
, fLineSkip = 2
, fVMargin = 32
, fHMargin = 28
, fMode = Lines
options :: [OptDescr (Flags -> Maybe Flags)]
options =
[ Option [] ["font-size"]
(ReqArg readFontSize "INT")
"font size in points"
, Option [] ["line-skip"]
(ReqArg readLineSkip "INT")
"line spacing in points"
, Option [] ["vmargin"]
(ReqArg readVMargin "INT")
"vertical page margins in points"
, Option [] ["hmargin"]
(ReqArg readHMargin "INT")
"left page margin in points"
, Option [] ["asacc"]
(NoArg (\opts -> Just $ opts { fMode = ASACC }))
"interpret basic ASA carriage control codes"
readFontSize str opts = do
k <- readDecimalNat str
return $ opts { fFontSize = k }
readLineSkip str opts = do
k <- readDecimalNat str
return $ opts { fLineSkip = k }
readVMargin str opts = do
k <- readDecimalNat str
return $ opts { fVMargin = k }
readHMargin str opts = do
k <- readDecimalNat str
return $ opts { fHMargin = k }
Unlike our other tools, it is not so easy to write automated tests of a program like this. As an example, though, try running the following pipeline:
sth-echo "hello\b\b\b\b\b_____" "world!"
| sth-unescape
| sth-overstrike
| sth-pslineprint --asacc
This should produce a page with two lines: the first with the word “hello” underlined.
When every program operates on plain text, making minimal assumptions about formats, it is easy to chain them together to perform complex tasks. Later on we will write programs to make the output of pslineprint
prettier: line wrapping, pagination, and so on. By keeping this functionality out of the printer itself, all programs can stay small and modular.
Later, we may find occasion to enhance our virtual line printer with the ability to change to a bold or italicized font. Because of the modular, monadic design, this will be straightforward.
Old Stuff
-- split on \n
getLines :: String -> [String]
getLines = unfoldr firstLine
firstLine :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
firstLine xs = case break (== '\n') xs of
("","") -> Nothing
(as,"") -> Just (as,"")
(as,b:bs) -> Just (as,bs)
-- write list of messages to stderr
reportErrorMsgs :: [String] -> IO ()
reportErrorMsgs errs = do
name <- getProgName
sequence_ $ map (hPutStrLn stderr) $ ((name ++ " error"):errs)
-- parse a natural number base 10
readDecimalNat :: String -> Maybe Int
readDecimalNat xs = do
ys <- sequence $ map decToInt $ reverse xs
return $ sum $ zipWith (*) ys [10^t | t <- [0..]]
decToInt :: Char -> Maybe Int
decToInt x = lookup x
[ ('0',0), ('1',1), ('2',2), ('3',3), ('4',4)
, ('5',5), ('6',6), ('7',7), ('8',8), ('9',9)
unfoldrMaybe :: (b -> Maybe (Maybe (a,b))) -> b -> Maybe [a]
unfoldrMaybe f x = case f x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just Nothing -> Just []
Just (Just (a,b)) -> do
as <- unfoldrMaybe f b
Just (a:as)
data CCLine
= CCLine [String]
deriving (Show)
fromCCLine :: CCLine -> [String]
fromCCLine (CCLine xs) = xs
readCCLines :: String -> Maybe [CCLine]
readCCLines = unfoldrMaybe readFirstCCLine . getLines
readFirstCCLine :: [String] -> Maybe (Maybe (CCLine, [String]))
readFirstCCLine [] = Just Nothing
readFirstCCLine ((' ':cs):ds) = do
(us,vs) = span (isPrefixOf "+") ds
stripPlus xs = case xs of
'+':ys -> Just ys
otherwise -> Nothing
case sequence $ map stripPlus us of
Just ws -> Just (Just (CCLine $ cs:ws, vs))
Nothing -> Nothing
readFirstCCLine _ = Nothing