Software Tools in Haskell: sentcount
count sentences on stdin
This page is part of a series on Software Tools in Haskell.
This post is literate Haskell; you can load the source into GHCi and play along.
As usual, we start with some imports.
module Main where
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Data.Char (isUpper, isSpace)
import Data.List
This program is an exercise in Software Tools, rather than a main example.
If we don’t think about it very long, counting sentences seems simple enough; much like we did when counting words, simply decide what strings of characters mark the boundaries between “sentences” and “non-sentences” and keep track of the number of state changes. Sentences are usually terminated by periods, with some exclamation points and question marks: done.
“But wait,” you ask, “what about quoted sentences?” (I hadn’t thought of that. Or parenthetical sentences, for that matter. (Much less nested parenthetical sentences.)) There’s also the issue of short parenthetical asides at the end of a sentence (like this one). Even periods cannot be relied upon to denote sentence ends, since they serve double (triple?) duty as ellipses and as parts of words as in abbreviations. What about the beginnings of sentences? mRNA is a proper noun whose first letter should not be capitalized, which breaks the usual rule that sentences start with a capital letter. Interjections, like POW! and BZZT!, look like sentence enders but may not be. And of course some forms like poetry or mathematical notation throw some rules out the window. (Is “\(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\)” a sentence? It sounds like one if read aloud.) Upon further reflection, it appears that English sentences are extremely complicated.
I will go out on a limb and say that the full problem of deciding whether a given list of characters is a (standard English) sentence is probably AI-complete, in that any algorithm which could do this with 100% accuracy (if that even makes sense) would need to “understand” the meaning of the text. At the very least, approaching 100% accuracy likely requires a large dictionary of things like proper nouns and abbreviations, to handle special cases.
The point of all this waffling is that this problem is extremely hard and therefore we cannot find a complete solution. The best we can hope for is an approximate solution that is not terribly wrong most of the time. To that end, our sentence-counting program will make some simplifying assumptions.
- We only consider standard English prose. Other languages, or other forms of text, are assumed to give meaningless sentence counts.
- In standard English prose, the end of a sentence is almost always signified by the appearance of one of three punctuation marks: period, exclamation point, or question mark. There may be other punctuation involved, but one of these three should be present.
- We assume that every sentence boundary is also a word boundary.
Our basic strategy is this: first split our text into words, using the getWords
function from wordcount
. Then use some heuristics to decide which word boundaries are also sentence boundaries. These heuristics will be allowed to look only at the words immediately on either side of a word boundary. (This is probably too restrictive in general, but reasonable.) For instance, a string like
harpoons. After
consists of two words (by our reckoning), and we will say it is likely to be a sentence boundary. Other examples are similar.
ever." She
casserole! (Gumbo
Again, any small set of heuristics is probably going to have both false positives and false negatives. But we’re not aiming for perfection here, just reasonable first approximations. We start with a helper function. break2
is an extension of the standard library function break
that focuses on the spaces between list elements rather than list elements themselves. (Note that break p === break2 (\x _ -> p x)
break2 :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
break2 p xs = accum [] xs
accum zs [] = (reverse zs, [])
accum zs [y] = (reverse (y:zs), [])
accum zs (y1:y2:ys) = if p y1 y2
then (reverse (y1:zs), y2:ys)
else accum (y1:zs) (y2:ys)
does the heavy lifting, splitting a string into sentences using heuristics. The heuristics for detecting sentence boundaries are in isSentenceBoundary
. This function is ugly, but reasonably easy to modify as new special cases arise.
-- split a string into sentences
getSentences :: String -> [String]
getSentences = map (intercalate " ") . unfoldr firstSentence . getWords
firstSentence :: [String] -> Maybe ([String],[String])
firstSentence [] = Nothing
firstSentence xs = Just $ break2 isSentenceBoundary xs
isSentenceBoundary :: String -> String -> Bool
isSentenceBoundary xs ys
| finalEllipsis xs && not (isSentenceStart ys) = False
| isSentenceEnd xs && isSentenceStart ys = True
| otherwise = False
isCapitalized "" = False
isCapitalized (x:_) = isUpper x
finalEllipsis :: String -> Bool
finalEllipsis xs = or $ map (`isSuffixOf` xs)
["...", "...\"", "...)"]
isSentenceEnd :: String -> Bool
isSentenceEnd xs = or $ map (`isSuffixOf` xs)
[ ".", ".\"", ".'", ".)"
, "!", "!\"", "!'", "!)"
, "?", "?\"", "?'", "?)"
isSentenceStart :: String -> Bool
isSentenceStart ys = (isCapitalized ys)
|| (or $ map (`isPrefixOf` ys) ["\"", "'", "("])
-- split a string into words
getWords :: String -> [String]
getWords = unfoldr firstWord
firstWord :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
firstWord xs = case dropWhile isSpace xs of
"" -> Nothing
ys -> Just $ break isSpace ys
-- generic length
count :: (Num t) => [a] -> t
count = foldl' inc 0
where inc n _ = n+1
-- print a line break
putNewLine :: IO ()
putNewLine = putStrLn ""
-- apply a map to stdin
charFilter :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
charFilter f = do
xs <- getContents
putStr $ f xs
The main program is then similar to wordcount
We test this program on a particularly messy excerpt from Alice in Wonderland, courtesy of Project Gutenberg. (Even counting by hand I’m not sure how many sentences this example should have!)