Doing IO

Now let’s add some IO effects.

{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Control.FX.Demo.DoingIO where

Some simple IO-lite monads are in the trans-fx-io package, which we can import all at once with Control.FX.IO.

import Control.FX
import Control.FX.IO

The simplest way to make a monad transformer transformer that does IO-like actions is using PromptTT, taken shamelessly from the MonadPrompt library. The Prompt pattern lets us define some monadic actions to be carried out later using an interpreter that we control. The PromptTT type is provided by trans-fx-core but typically we won’t use it raw. Instead we’ll specialize it to some particular IO effects we care about.

The simplest of these is probably TeletypeTT: a monad transformer transformer that adds the ability to read and write strings of text on a teletype-like interface.

Here’s a simple type using TeletypeTT. (S and T are again boilerplate MonadIdentity types for disambiguation.)

newtype Bar t m a = Bar
  { unBar ::
      StateTT T String
      (ExceptTT S Bool
      (TeletypeTT S
      t)) m a
  } deriving
    ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans
    , MonadState T String
    , MonadExcept S Bool
    , MonadTeletype S

Couple things to note: with TeletypeTT added to our transformer transformer stack, we can derive two new interfaces: MonadTeletype comes with the functions for interacting with the teletype, and we can also derive a handler for IO exceptions originating in the teletype.

Now the run function for TeletypeTT takes an interpreter that runs the teletype effects in some specific base monad. There’s a default IO implementation, but we could swap that out for one that runs in a test environment. Notably, because the teletype interface is named we could have more than one teletype layer in the stack and interpret them differently.

Anyway, here is an example.

test3 :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => Bar t m ()
test3 = do
  printLine $ S "foo"
  put $ T "Foo"
  return ()

And here is a runner. evalTeletypeIO is the default teletype interpreter. Again, it’s much easier to write the runner than to see in advance what its type is, so I did that and used GHC to infer the type.

--  :: Bar IdentityT IO a
--  -> IO (Except S Bool
--       (Pair (T String)
--       (Except TeletypeError (S IOException) a)))
runBar =
    . runTeletypeTT (Eval evalTeletypeIO)
    . runExceptTT (S ())
    . runStateTT (T "")
    . unBar


data S a = S { unS :: a }
  deriving stock ( Eq, Show )
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadIdentity ) via (Wrap S)
  deriving ( Semigroup, Monoid ) via (Wrap S a)

instance Renaming S where
  namingMap = S
  namingInv = unS

instance Commutant S where
  commute = fmap S . unS

data T a = T { unT :: a }
  deriving stock ( Eq, Show )
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadIdentity ) via (Wrap T)
  deriving ( Semigroup, Monoid ) via (Wrap T a)

instance Renaming T where
  namingMap = T
  namingInv = unT

instance Commutant T where
  commute = fmap T . unT

When defining an effect stack it’s important to remember that (1) changing the order of the effect layers changes the semantics of the monad, and (2) effect class instances do not always “commute”. Fortunately in both cases the type checker is our friend.